12/08/2018, 17:42

Bắt đầu với Reactjs- Phần 6, Tìm hiểu về redux-form (4)

2.2.1 Async Blur Validation: Validation này sẽ chạy trước thi event onSubmit được thực hiện, nếu bạn chỉ quan tâm tới validation chỉ khi submit thì nên sửa dụng submit validation. Chuẩn bị file public/index.html <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta ...

2.2.1 Async Blur Validation:

  • Validation này sẽ chạy trước thi event onSubmit được thực hiện, nếu bạn chỉ quan tâm tới validation chỉ khi submit thì nên sửa dụng submit validation.

  • Chuẩn bị file public/index.html

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="awidth=device-awidth, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
  <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000">
  <link rel="manifest" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json">
  <link rel="shortcut icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico">
  <title>React App</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://opensource.keycdn.com/fontawesome/4.7.0/font-awesome.min.css" media="all">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://redux-form.com/6.6.2/bundle.css" media="all">
  <div id="root"></div>
  • root file ở src/index.js, Ở đây mình sẽ sử dụng 1 thẻ của redux-form là Values Khá là tiện dụng khi debug với simple là form id
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { Values } from "redux-form-website-template";
import store from "./store";
import showResults from "./showResults";
import AsyncValidationForm from "./AsyncValidationForm";

const rootEl = document.getElementById("root");

  <Provider store={store}>
    <div style={{ padding: 15 }}>
      <h2>Asynchronous Validation</h2>
        Usernames that will <em>fail</em> validation: <code>john</code>
        , <code>paul</code>
        , <code>george</code> or <code>ringo</code>
      <AsyncValidationForm onSubmit={showResults} />
      <Values form="asyncValidation" />
  • Tạo store với khai báo redux-form reduce src/store.js
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer as reduxFormReducer } from 'redux-form';

const reducer = combineReducers({
  form: reduxFormReducer, // mounted under "form"
const store = (window.devToolsExtension
  ? window.devToolsExtension()(createStore)
  : createStore)(reducer);

export default store;

  • Mình muốn mở alert để show data sau khi form submit với data valid: src/asyncValidate.js mình tạo 1 ví dụ validation đơn giản
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

const asyncValidate = (values /*, dispatch */) => {
  return sleep(1000).then(() => { // simulate server latency
    if (['john', 'paul', 'george', 'ringo'].includes(values.username)) {
      throw { username: 'That username is taken' };

export default asyncValidate;

  • Và đây sẽ là form của chúng ta, đầu tiên khai báo form bọc bởi high level components reduxForm và đặt cho nó 1 form id. Ở đây mình đặt là asyncValidation , cách khai báo async validation form với react:
export default reduxForm({
  form: 'asyncValidation', 
  asyncBlurFields: ['username'],


import React from 'react';
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
import validate from './validate';
import asyncValidate from './asyncValidate';

const renderField = (
  { input, label, type, meta: { asyncValidating, touched, error } },
) => (
    <div className={asyncValidating ? 'async-validating' : '}>
      <input {...input} type={type} placeholder={label} />
      {touched && error && <span>{error}</span>}

const AsyncValidationForm = props => {
  const { handleSubmit, pristine, reset, submitting } = props;
  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <button type="submit" disabled={submitting}>Sign Up</button>
        <button type="button" disabled={pristine || submitting} onClick={reset}>
          Clear Values

export default reduxForm({
  form: 'asyncValidation', 
  asyncBlurFields: ['username'],
  • Mình sẽ khởi tạo 1 số validation theo cấu trúc:
const required = value => value ? undefined : 'Required'
const maxLength = max => value =>
  value && value.length > max ? `Must be ${max} characters or less` : undefined
const maxLength15 = maxLength(15)
const number = value => value && isNaN(Number(value)) ? 'Must be a number' : undefined
const minValue = min => value =>
  value && value < min ? `Must be at least ${min}` : undefined
const minValue18 = minValue(18)
const email = value =>
  value && !/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(value) ?
  'Invalid email address' : undefined
const tooOld = value =>
  value && value > 65 ? 'You` might be too old for this' : undefined
const aol = value =>
  value && /.+@aol.com/.test(value) ?
  'Really? You still use AOL for your email?' : undefined

src/showResults.js vẫn là 1 alert để show kết quả:

const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

export default (async function showResults(values) {
  await sleep(500); // simulate server latency
  window.alert(`You submitted:

${JSON.stringify(values, null, 2)}`);

và đơn giarn, đâu là kết quả:

2.2.2 Initialize From State

  • Ở đây mình sẽ đưa ra ví dụ về cách initialize value cho form.
  • Ở đây mình sẽ thay đổi 1 tí ở file src/index.js thay đổi form id src/index.js
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { Values } from "redux-form-website-template";
import store from "./store";
import showResults from "./showResults";
import InitializeFromStateForm from "./InitializeFromStateForm";

const rootEl = document.getElementById("root");

  <Provider store={store}>
    <div style={{ padding: 15 }}>
      <h2>Initialize From State</h2>
      <InitializeFromStateForm onSubmit={showResults} />
      <Values form="initializeFromState" />

  • Tạo 1 redux action:
// Quack! This is a duck. https://github.com/erikras/ducks-modular-redux
const LOAD = 'redux-form-examples/account/LOAD';

const reducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case LOAD:
      return {
        data: action.data,
      return state;

 * Simulates data loaded into this reducer from somewhere
export const load = data => ({ type: LOAD, data });

export default reducer;


import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer as reduxFormReducer } from 'redux-form';
import account from './account';

const reducer = combineReducers({
  form: reduxFormReducer, // mounted under "form"
const store = (window.devToolsExtension
  ? window.devToolsExtension()(createStore)
  : createStore)(reducer);

export default store;

  • Map state to props bằng cách đơn giản
// Decorate with reduxForm(). It will read the initialValues prop provided by connect()
InitializeFromStateForm = reduxForm({
  form: 'initializeFromState', // a unique identifier for this form

// You have to connect() to any reducers that you wish to connect to yourself
InitializeFromStateForm = connect(
  state => ({
    initialValues: state.account.data, // pull initial values from account reducer
  { load: loadAccount }, // bind account loading action creator

export default InitializeFromStateForm;
  • Tương tự với ví dụ khác đây là form của mình: src/InitializeFromStateForm.jsInitializeFromStateForm.js
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
import { load as loadAccount } from './account';
const data = {
  // used to populate "account" reducer when "Load" is clicked
  firstName: 'Jane',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  age: '42',
  sex: 'female',
  employed: true,
  favoriteColor: 'Blue',
  bio: 'Born to write amazing Redux code.',
const colors = ['Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Indigo', 'Violet'];

let InitializeFromStateForm = props => {
  const { handleSubmit, load, pristine, reset, submitting } = props;
  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <button type="button" onClick={() => load(data)}>Load Account</button>
        <label>First Name</label>
            placeholder="First Name"
        <label>Last Name</label>
            placeholder="Last Name"
          <Field name="age" component="input" type="number" placeholder="Age" />
            <Field name="sex" component="input" type="radio" value="male" />
            {' '}
            <Field name="sex" component="input" type="radio" value="female" />
            {' '}
        <label>Favorite Color</label>
          <Field name="favoriteColor" component="select">
            <option value="">Select a color...</option>
            {colors.map(colorOption => (
              <option value={colorOption} key={colorOption}>
        <label htmlFor="employed">Employed</label>
          <Field name="bio" component="textarea" />
        <button type="submit" disabled={pristine || submitting}>Submit</button>
        <button type="button" disabled={pristine || submitting} onClick={reset}>
          Undo Changes

// Decorate with reduxForm(). It will read the initialValues prop provided by connect()
InitializeFromStateForm = reduxForm({
  form: 'initializeFromState', // a unique identifier for this form

// You have to connect() to any reducers that you wish to connect to yourself
InitializeFromStateForm = connect(
  state => ({
    initialValues: state.account.data, // pull initial values from account reducer
  { load: loadAccount }, // bind account loading action creator

export default InitializeFromStateForm;

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