11/08/2018, 21:56

How to make website better ?

Copy right @2013 framgia.com reserved Demo in end of content , password download: framgia 0. Think and think Nowaday, people who makes Website always follow MVC standard but when we think about the website’s speed, we only think about increase the speed in Model and Controller, but the View ...

Copy right @2013 framgia.com reserved Demo in end of content , password download: framgia 0. Think and think

Nowaday, people who makes Website always follow MVC standard but when we think about the website’s speed, we only think about increase the speed in Model and Controller, but the View is also important, it takes 1/3 in MVC model. A good website is a website that has not only good Model and Controller but also good View. 1.Sprite (have demo in last)

An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image. A web page with many images can take a long time to load and generates multiple server requests. Using image sprites will reduce the number of server requests and save bandawidth. 2.Use tags effectiveness

Use minimum number of tags , but quality is best (have demo in last) 3.1 Good website, can be better?

A good website can be better ? (have demo in last) 3.2 Response Web and Better

The website can be better when we use response website Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience-easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling-across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors Can be made better ??? 3.3 Server for mobile

The best thing is when we have a separate server for mobile that has the same databases. Use very easily http://mobilewebrockstar.com/detect-mobile-browser/ , it help to detect when use mobile to view , after redirect to version mobile. Something you should to do website better

Display: inline , block , inline-block ,Float: left vs text-align: center + display: inline-block. : if you use menu , you should display:inline-block and the tag ul you should use text-align:center , it help the menu center, but if you use float:left or float:right , it only to left or right , if you want to center , you must using : margin, padding , i think it not good power of Clear: both , i thing this tag very good , if in a div-parent you can't include div-child, please set style clear:both in last-div , it will help you , any more , if you should float:left, float:right , you should using clear:both, if not , your website is wrong in IE7. Border-radius in IE7 , you can't use border-radius on IE7 , because , it not support CSS3 , you can use 4 image , after you use javascript set in 4 angle of the tag , it will border-radius on IE7

The last , i want you think do website , better, better and best you can do , make a website more detail, as well as meticulous.


http://www.stephentgilbert.com/mediaqueries/ http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/css/create-a-responsive-website-video-tutorial/ https://github.com/sebarmeli/JS-Redirection-Mobile-Site http://izwebz.com/ link download content and demo :

http://www.fshare.vn/file/MBL285DPHC/ password : framgia