Perhaps you haven't watched the dungeons anime Dark and Darker Gold

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This means you can move around your enemies and destroy them with no needing to use one single attack.

Perhaps you haven't watched the dungeons anime

I played and laughed at Tarkov until I grasped it and began to do better Dark And Darker Gold. The game appears to borrow its cues from Tarkov in the loot system, but not in its gameplay. There's a distinction between "You were sniped by a scav because you walked through an open area fighting scavsand revealing your location" as well as "this flying insect took two lightning bolts and 2 ice bolts to strike, but killed you with just three hits". The former you can learn from and apply to. The latter , you cannot. You shouldn't be forced to run around in circles, or backwards, or attack with bait and then move back. I'm a wizard. If I'm not able to do harm, what am I really good at? Does the meta truly "use each and every you have a spell in each room and meditate before you leave"?

I haven't played in groups yet, but I may do so in the future, however I don't think I'll be being a big contributor if I could strike my friends with spells (which I'm sure will be the case since enemies could strike each other). It's impossible to fit 3 players against four zombies in a tiny space with no verticality and expect players having front, middle, as well as backlines. Left-clicking does jack the entire staff stopping to cast the spell (which is completely reasonable since you're a wizard) means that the enemies are able to catch up, and you exchange blows, in addition, some spells can hit you too. The first time I'm in the game, I'm at 20% HP.

If I try to cut a bug in the back but it doesn't work. The bug is too movable and the ice bolts are extremely precise Dark And Darker Gold for sale, and melee combat is a disaster particularly when it's on the ground and I have to hit it with a stick with a dagger-sized hitbox.