A basic expansion to counter suggestion

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Wizards, in extreme circumstances, are able to use fireballs and blast open doors for an escape too.

The game is still in playtest, please give them some slack i still believe there will be more in-depth combat or mechanics. Maybe not levels of mordhau, but between chivalry and where is happening in the game, at the very least dodging Dark And Darker Gold.

Give the game a few minutes and do not bother with the 'git gud' people any criticism (actual criticism) is considered feedback by developers. Let's just hope they are listening.

It's not a game that everyone will like. Thank you for being rational. A breath of fresh air for the forums tbh.

I would like you to look into looking for what scratches you have.

A basic expansion to counter suggestion

I have said this in other threads, but I am sharing it here in hopes that people who believe in this message will actually embrace the idea by commenting and award it, and keep it up on the top of the discussions tab above the rest of the crap.

Combat as it is in this form specifically melee but broadly all over the world, is essentially an unfinished foundation that needs expansion for better game play and retention and also close the gap in gear.

Current problems: The combat is all about movement, or let's call it positioning, along with the gear you're wearing and what the health bar on your game looks like. Your other equipment can also contribute when you get into melee Dark And Darker Gold for sale.