12/08/2018, 16:57

Full-width and Half-width check with Angular 4 Javascript

全角:Full-awidth 半角:Half-awidth I think that checking full-awidth and half-awidth character in most system is an important point. I will explain with the following simple steps: First we create a new component: $ ng g c zenkaku-hankaku After executing the above command, some of the ...

全角:Full-awidth 半角:Half-awidth

I think that checking full-awidth and half-awidth character in most system is an important point. I will explain with the following simple steps:

First we create a new component:

$ ng g c zenkaku-hankaku

After executing the above command, some of the ".css, .html, .ts" files will be generated in the following folder.

    #  zenkaku-hankaku.component.css
    <> zenkaku-hankaku.component.html
    TS zenkaku-hankaku.component.spec.ts
    TS zenkaku-hankaku.component.ts

The next step is to open the "zenkaku-hankaku.component.ts" file, add variables and character check logic.

export class ZenkakuHankakuComponent implements OnInit {
  keyValues:string = ';
  zenKakuKeyValue:string = ' ;
  hanKakuKeyValue:string = ' ;
  zenKakuMessage:string = ' ;
  hanKakuMessage:string = ' ;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {
 onKeyTodo(event: any, values) {
    this.keyValues = event.target.value;
    // start - Switch input
    switch (values) {
      case 'zenkaku_name':
        this.zenKakuMessage = '全角のみを入力してください。';
        this.zenKakuKeyValues = 'zenkaku_name';
        this.check2ByteFunc(this.keyValues, values, this.zenKakuKeyValue, this.zenKakuMessage);
      case 'hankaku_name':
        this.hanKakuMessage = '半角のみを入力してください。';
        this.hanKakuKeyValues = 'hankaku_name';
        this.check1ByteFunc(this.keyValues, values, this.hanKakuKeyValue, this.hanKakuMessage);
    // end - Switch input
// FULL-WIDTH 全角文字
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Created by : Alok Rawat
// Function to Check 全角
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
check2ByteFunc(val, col_name, header_name , msg) {
const actual_len = val.length;
const str_len = this.countLength(val);
let err_val = ';

if (parseInt(actual_len)*2 === str_len) {
} else {
  for (let i = 0; i <= val.length - 1; i++) {
    if (this.countLength(val[i]) === val[i].length) {
      if (err_val !== ' ) {
        err_val = err_val + ',' + val[i];
      } else {
        err_val = val[i];
// HALF-WIDTH 半角文字
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// created by : Alok Rawat
// Function to Check 半角カナ文字
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
check1ByteFunc(val, col_name, header_name, msg) {
  // Function to Check 半角カナ
  const reg = new RegExp(/^[ヲ-゚ 、0-9a-zA-Z]*$/);  
  if ( val.match(reg)) {

If you want to add other half-awidth characters, please refer to the link below.

// count the length of the input string
countLength(str) {
  let r = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
      const c = str.charCodeAt(i);
      // Shift_JIS: 0x0 ~ 0x80, 0xa0 , 0xa1 ~ 0xdf , 0xfd ~ 0xff
      // Unicode : 0x0 ~ 0x80, 0xf8f0, 0xff61 ~ 0xff9f, 0xf8f1 ~ 0xf8f3
      if ( (c >= 0x0 && c < 0x81) || (c === 0xf8f0) || (c >= 0xff61 && c < 0xffa0) || (c >= 0xf8f1 && c < 0xf8f4)) {
          r += 1;
      } else {
          r += 2;
  return r;
// if input value is valid then clear the error.
clearErrMsg(namekey) {
  if ( namekey === 'zenkaku_name') {
    this.zenKakuMessage = ';
  if ( namekey === 'hankaku_name') {
    this.hanKakuMessage = ';

Open "zenkaku-hankaku.component.html" file and set textbox and ng

<div class="row">
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="form-group col-sm-6">
            <label class="label-control">名称</label>
            <label label_back_color>(全角のみ)</label>
            <input name="zenkaku_name" type="text" class="form-control"
            (keyup)="onKeyTodo($event,'zenkaku_name')" placeholder="例:山田 太郎" />
            <div class="text-danger" *ngIf="zenKakuKeyValue=='zenkaku_name'">{{ zenKakuMessage }}</div>
        <div class="form-group col-sm-6">
            <label class="label-control">メイショ(カナ)</label>
            <label label_back_color>(半角のみ)</label>
            <input name="hankaku_name" type="text" class="form-control"
            (keyup)="onKeyTodo($event,'hankaku_name')" placeholder="例:ヤマダ タロウ"/>
            <div class="text-danger" *ngIf="hanKakuKeyValue=='hankaku_name'">{{ hanKakuMessage }}</div>

And here is our result:

Check the Full-awidth characters

  • NOT OK case
  • OK case

Check the Half-awidth characters

  • NOT OK case
  • OK case

Enjoy coding!!!