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In order to actually summon the golem, you must put the Golem ability on your ability bar. Go to your skill tree and hit the “skill assignment” button to open up that menu. At the bottom of your unlocked skills, you’ll see the Necromancer’s unique summon abilities Diablo IV Gold.

Once you place the Golem ability on your bar, you’ll see the big guy pop up right next to your character. If you then remove the ability from the bar, the golem will die.

If you’re summoning the golem, you can use the Book of the Dead to customize it and give it a variety of different effects. Just remember that if you aren’t using the Golem ability that you should sacrifice the summon in the Book of the Dead, which will give you a major benefit like increased health or attack speed.

In the tired village of Yelesna, a man named Denysov hammers away at a studded wooden barrier flanked by a pair of stakes. “Been working on this door for days,” he mutters. “Not much else to do ’round here.” He doesn’t have anything to sell, he says to no one in particular, and this door should fetch a nice price. It’s a simple dream cheap Diablo 4 Gold, but Denysov, who probably hasn’t ventured far from Yelesna, has no idea how many doors my Wanderer routinely annihilates on the path to gold and glory. In a kinder existence, perhaps Denysov would be a busy carpenter, living off the constant destruction of the Eternal Conflict — the unceasing war between heaven and hell — and the humans trapped in between.