Rogues have too many damage modifiables darker

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This game is PvPvE. Not PvEvPvP LOL. That's a bit odd. But in the end. If they make their mobs "smarter" There will be more people who are going to cry than getting bullet sponge mobs. These aren't very strong. Many people don't know about the perk system Dark And Darker Gold. That is partially do to the dry tips for tools and not a lot of information. People also fear of testing and dying to understand things. Perks are such a big the issue in this game. It is imperative to create more transparency.

Rogues have too many damage modifiables

Design. Great conceptually. Implementation is a bit sloppy, but workable. Flat damage is not a good design when playing a game with various attack-speed spells and weapons. Wizards must begin with daggers and orbs along with a crystal sword and not the staff.

Make sure that hit regs are fixed and more than one offensive spell usable on wizards( I have done the mathand only one spell is feasible for pve, magic missiles, and chain lightning that is used in pvp. fireball kill the wizard quicker than the enemies.

Chain lightning is not a good choice against ranged enemies, as the range of it is tiny, it's not recommended to use it against close range melee adversaries as it can kill you in just one or two shots. It's got a limited range, and the "skill" is focused on the corpse of a dead mob and then bouncing it off on enemies with a maximum distance.

Fireball has a large hitbox as well as an aoe. When it is in the air, fireball is slow. I actively swing my axe at enemy wizard fireballs to ensure that my HANDS get hit first, that reduces the damage to 100 maximum theoretically base to around 25(burn added) cheap Dark And Darker Gold. It makes the spell useless against skilled players when 1 heath pot, or even your base stats are enough to make you unkillable with 100% accuracy.