That's what I'm referring to. would make going darker

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 Timing or the aim. Most firearms have different swing distances and timing. The weapons' ranges are different. Faster weapons tend to increase the size of the object you're aiming at. Slower weapons are more likely to be able to strike at greater distances Dark And Darker Gold.Why does the circle look so Dark And Darker

There's no use for the circle. It doesnt make sense. Create portals, and then more than required hell portals. If you do not get a blue one , you'll be being dragged to hell. Do not die to a circle that does not even be taken away from your health. If they quit the circle, then they will take away the dark mechanics that consume you.

Im loving the game, however it's as if they are trying to slam three kinds of games into one.

That's what I'm referring to. would make going to hell a coin flip (as as in the case where what you need to go to hell, it's completely dependent on luck)

also Circle is a realy excellent way to get some gear burning, as otherwise there would be very little (any AI you meet in a fight and already accumulating loot isn't going to take your life on its own)

and it makes the speed increase possible (something I actually enjoy especially when i must accomplish a lot for work and only be able to play for a little)

If they keep the circle then they should remove the consuming part it. There's no reason not to be competent to tank it when you're on the heals. It's not an BR that is collapsing, it can cause fights, and with more players pushing for the session (now 18) there are fewer portals available to everyone cheap Dark And Darker Gold.