Will Conan Exiles at any stage implement loot boxes

In the push towards launch, we're releasing two new large areas on the map which will complete the map. We're releasing the new combat system, and a couple of features that we haven't spoken about yet.

The work that we've had to do that I wasn't expecting us to have to do involves the combat system, which we've completely redone that from scratch. Basically because players reacted quite negatively to it, so we said: Okay, we really need to focus on this. The core of the game is this building, fighting and exploring experience and so when we saw that the fighting part wasn't meeting people's expectations, we went back to the drawing board. We've been working on that for quite some time now and, hopefully, when we launch the new combat—which should come out before we launch the game—people will be very happy with the changes. I'm certainly really happy with what we've done but we're still polishing and tweaking it  POE currency trade  .

Updates-wise, we've used Early Access to test some ideas, to see where people wanted us to focus on the game. With this in mind, we released a more traditional PvE MMO-style dungeon with a boss fight at the end. We released siege engines to see how those impacted PvP. We released a brand new area, the Frozen North, which had hundreds of new building items, different tiers of buildings, all elements which built on what the game already was. The freeform climbing system—we really liked the system in Zelda Breath of the Wild and thought our game was lacking something similar. We've obviously added tonnes of other features, monsters, items, the Thrall system, dye-your-clothes features, there are hundreds of things.

In the push towards launch, we're releasing two new large areas on the map which will complete the map. We're releasing the new combat system, and a couple of features that we haven't spoken about yet. 

How would you describe the modding scene in Conan Exiles?

We have quite a personal relationship with our most prolific modders. We have a Discord with the modders and a lot of our devs are in that channel. The mods that are being worked on at any given time are really interesting—someone implemented the feature I always wanted to add, which is knocking people's heads off and being able to put their heads on spikes around your base and all this sort of stuff. We just didn't have time to add that in and someone has done so in a mod that looks great.

There's a bunch of really interesting mods around, and we try to support them as best we can and give them everything that they need and what they ask for. Moving towards launch we're doing more of the mod improvements so that when we launch we have a really solid mod kit as well.

Will Conan Exiles, at any stage, implement loot boxes?

I have no plans to. But that's a never say never situation, just because there are other people in the company besides me who are involved in these decisions—marketing people and so on. I can 100 percent say that there's zero plans for it right now. There are a lot of technical challenges around that unless you plan to add it from the beginning. We certainly have no plans to add it, there's no code work done to make anything like that work in our game anyway. In a game where you can basically give away any item that you have, I'm not sure a loot box system would work very well cheap Path of exile currency . I dunno. In any case, I don't have any plans for it, and we certainly haven't discussed it at work.