Export multiple excel and zip files in Rails
I. Introduction Exporting excel file and zip files is not somethings new, but sometimes we must to integrate both. So today, I want to share my task. II. Installation Firstly, we need to install gem axslx to customize our file easily: Add to Gemfile gem "axlsx" Run command ...
I. Introduction
Exporting excel file and zip files is not somethings new, but sometimes we must to integrate both. So today, I want to share my task.
II. Installation
Firstly, we need to install gem axslx to customize our file easily:
- Add to Gemfile
gem "axlsx"
- Run command bundle install
III. Services
In this example, each team had many member who have a unique budget, and we want to download budget of all teams or members. Then, to be clear, we need to create 2 services: export excel files and export file zip:
1. Export Excel filesFor exporting excel service, we have some function:
- Initialize attributes:
TITLE_COLUMN = ["ID", "Name", "Birthday"] def initialize_attributes budget_dates = [] @deadlines = [] @files = [] (Date.today.cweek..Date.today.end_of_year.cweek).to_a.map do |d| deadlines << Date.commercial(Date.today.year, d, 7) date = Date.commercial(Date.today.year, d, 1) budget_dates << date.date.to_s end @first_row = [*TITLE_COLUMN, *budget_dates] end
- Create temporally files
def create_files BudgetType.pluck(:name).each_with_index do |file_name, index| package = Axlsx::Package.new workbook = package.workbook workbook.add_worksheet(name: file_name) do |sheet| sheet.add_row first_row end files << package end end
- Add data for these files by customize format
def add_data_to_files object budgets = object.budgets.deadlines_in deadlines info = [object.id, object.name, object.birthday] files.each do |file| row = [*info, *budgets] file.workbook.worksheets.first.add_row row end end
- Save temporally files
def save_file files.each do |file| file.serialize "#{file.workbook.worksheets.first.name}.xls" end end
- Finally, in perform, we use those methods as:
def perform initialize_attributes return unless create_file Team.each do |team| add_data_to_files team team.members.each do |member| add_data_to_files member end end save_file end2. Export file zip
In zip files service, we need to create temporally zip file, add created excel files to zip and delete all temporally excel files:
def perform files begin temp = Tempfile.new FILE_NAME Zip::File.open(temp.path, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| files.each do |file| zipfile.add "#{file}.xls", "#{Rails.root}/#{file}.xls" end end files.each do |file| File.delete "#{file}.xls" end rescue Errno::ENOENT, IOError => e Rails.logger.error e.message temp.close end temp end
IV. Controller and view
- To download zip file, we need to return this file in controller:
def index if Budget::ExportXls.perform zip = Budget::ZipBudgets.perform BudgetType.pluck(:name) send_file zip.path, type: "application/zip", x_sendfile: true, disposition: "attachment", filename: "Budgets.zip" end end
- Finally, we add button download to view:
<%= link_to export_budgets_path do %> <%= button_tag "Download" %> <% end %>
V. Conclusion
This is a good way to export multiple excel and zip files in rails. I hope you find this article useful. Thanks for reading!