OKR + AGILE is going to be the “feature factory” model.
Many companies struggle to fit OKR and Agile, although both seem to share the same philosophy. Teams using Agile often resist adopting OKR since it appears redundant to them. Misunderstanding about OKR and Agile itself. When used correctly, OKR and Agile are a powerful combination. They can create ...
Many companies struggle to fit OKR and Agile, although both seem to share the same philosophy. Teams using Agile often resist adopting OKR since it appears redundant to them.
Misunderstanding about OKR and Agile itself. When used correctly, OKR and Agile are a powerful combination. They can create Value-driven teams and transform how organizations work.
Agile was created to deliver software.
The Agile Manifesto itself is misleading as it tells people to measure deliverables. “Working software is the primary measure of progress,” , The teams are just there to flesh out the details, code and test. They have little understanding of the bigger context, and even less belief that these are in fact the right solutions.
They measure progress by output and not outcome
Like any other tool, OKR can be misused and become a to do list. But, if you want to focus on value, your goals have to reflect that. You have to use Value-based Key Results:
Value-based OKRs are not about simply measuring outcomes. You have to understand what is valuable to your customers and your organization.
The examples below show the difference between the two types of Key Results: Activity based Key results Vs Value based Key results Develop new landing page (activity based key result) -> Value based Key results are like below Generate 200 qulified leads Increase lead conversion by 5% to 10% Reduce the customer acquisition cost from $35 to $22
Key Result Examples When you use Agile with Activity-based Key Results, it creates friction. Agile teams already have roadmaps, so why do they need OKRs? Every time I meet teem struggling to connect OKR and Agile, they are focusing on activities.
Using Value-based OKRs can be transformative. It can be the missing link between Agile and Lean. In can bridge the gap between product and engineering. Visit www.agilean.in for more info