11/08/2018, 21:09

Road to Ruby Silver (Part 1)

This is just some memos for who want to get Ruby Silver certificate. :) 1. 識別子 (identify) 命名規則 (rules of identify) 0..9 A..Z, a..z underscore Number is not placed in the first Do not same with key of ruby Sample of wrong cases: - 1_to_10 - abc? - abc-1 List of ...

This is just some memos for who want to get Ruby Silver certificate. :)

1. 識別子 (identify)

命名規則 (rules of identify)

  • 0..9
  • A..Z, a..z
  • underscore
  • Number is not placed in the first
  • Do not same with key of ruby

Sample of wrong cases:
- 1_to_10
- abc?
- abc-1

List of keys of ruby

1. nil
2. true
3. false
4. not
5. or
6. and
8. END
9. begin
10. end
11. do
12. then
13. yield
14. rescue
15. ensure
16. class
17. module
18. def
19. defined?
20. alias
21. undef
22. super
23. self
24. return
25. while
26. until
27. for
28. in
29. break
30. next
31. redo
32. retry
33. case
34. when
35. if
36. unless
37. else
38. elsif
39. __LINE__
40. __FILE__
41. __ENCODING__ (only 1.9)

Scope of variable, constant

Type Indentify rules Scope Value when do not init
Locale variable - first character: alphabeta or underscore The nearest scope (where variable is defined) (1) If defined in above → nil, else → raise exception
Global variable - first character: $ All nil
Class variable - first character: @@ All instances of class can see (2) raise exception
Instance variable - first character: @ Only in that instance (3) nil
Constant - First character must be upcase (4) raise exception


foo = 1

def call_variable
  puts foo

call_variable → raise exception


$foo = 1

def call_variable
  puts $foo

call_variable → 1


class Test
  @@class_var_1 = 100

  def instance_method_call_defined_variable
    puts @@class_var_1

  def instance_method_call_undefined_variable
    puts @@class_var_2

  class << self
    def class_method_call_defined_variable
      puts @@class_var_1

Test.new.instance_method_call_defined_variable → 100
Test.new.instance_method_call_undefined_variable → raise exception
Test.class_method_call_defined_variable → 100


module TestConstant

  def instance_call_constant

  class << self
    def class_call_constant
      puts TEST_CONSTANT

class TestConstantClass
  include TestConstant

TestConstantClass.class_call_constant → raise exception
TestConstant.class_call_constant → 1
TestConstantClass.new.instance_call_constant → 1
TestConstantClass::TEST_CONSTANT → 1
TestConstant::TEST_CONSTANT → 1

2. Numeric (数値)

All types in ruby

  • Numeric (数値)
  • Boolean (論理値)
  • String (文字列)
  • Symbol (シンボル)
  • Array (配列)
  • Hash (ハッシュ)
  • Range (範囲)
  • Regular Expression (正規表現)
  • Command Output (コマンド出力) ???

2.1. Numeric

  • Normal

    3.0e2 → 300.0
    3e2 → 300.0
    3e-2 → 0.03
    3321321321e100 → 3.321321321e+109
    33333333e-110 → 3.3333333e-103
  • Binary, octal, decimal, hexa (indicator - 基数指示子)

Indicator pattern
Binary 0b
Octal 0o or 0
Decimal 0d
Hexa 0x


  0b1001 → 9
  0o70 → 56
  070 → 56
  0d20 → 20
  0x1F → 31
  0xf → 15

  079 → raise error
  0b20 → raise error
  0xZ → raise error
  • Use number with underscore

    → 1000000000
  • Get string code of character → use 「?」

    ?R → "R"
    ?C-v → "u0016" # (Code of Control C + v)
    ?M-C-m → "x8D" # (Code of Alt + Control C + m)

2.2. Operators (演算子)

  • +, - , *, /, %
  • ==, !=, <, >=
  • UFO Operator: <=>
    100 <=> 1 → 1
    1 <=> 1 → 0
    1 <=> 100 → -1

This operator is equal with below method:

    def <=>(a, b)
      return 0 if a == b
      a > b ? 1 : -1
  • =, +=, -=, +=, /=, **=
a = 5
a *= 2 → 10
a **= 5 → 3125 # = a^5
  • ::, ?:
  • .., ...
(1..9).to_a → [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
(1...9).to_a → [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
  • &&, and, ||, or, !, not
1 && 2 → 2
2 && 1 → 1
1 and 2 → 2
2 and 1 → 1
1 || 2 → 1
2 || 1 → 2
1 or 2 → 1
2 or 1 → 2
Range of numeric classes
Class name Max Min
Fixnum (2**(0.size * 8 -2) -1) -(2**(0.size * 8 -2))
BigNum ? ?
Float Float::MAX Float::MIN
Rational(0.5) → (1/2)