11/08/2018, 21:42

Support List tag of HTML in TextView using fromHtml()

There is a lovely method on the android.text.Html class, fromHtml(), that converts HTML into a Spannable for use with a TextView. TextView textView = ( TextView ) findViewById ( R . id . textView1 ) ; //class ListTagHandler will be used here. textView . setText ( Html . fromHtml ( ...

There is a lovely method on the android.text.Html class, fromHtml(), that converts HTML into a Spannable for use with a TextView.

TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1);
//class ListTagHandler will be used here.
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(newsText, null, new ListTagHandler()));

public class ListTagHandler implements TagHandler {
        private int                             index   = 0;
        private List<String>    parents = new ArrayList<String>();

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see android.text.Html.TagHandler#handleTag(boolean, java.lang.String, android.text.Editable, org.xml.sax.XMLReader)
        public void handleTag(final boolean opening, final String tag, Editable output,
                        final XMLReader xmlReader) {
                if (tag.equals("ul") || tag.equals("ol") || tag.equals("dd")) {
                        if (opening) {
                        } else

                        index = 0;
                } else if (tag.equals("li") && !opening)

         * @param output
        private void handleListTag(Editable output) {
                if (parents.get(parents.size() - 1).equals("ul")) {
                        String[] split = output.toString().split("

                        int lastIndex = split.length - 1;
                        int start = output.length() - split[lastIndex].length() - 1;
                        output.setSpan(new BulletSpan(15 * parents.size()), start, output.length(), 0);
                } else if (parents.get(parents.size() - 1).equals("ol")) {

                        String[] split = output.toString().split("

                        int lastIndex = split.length - 1;
                        int start = output.length() - split[lastIndex].length() - 1;
                        output.insert(start, index + ". ");
                        output.setSpan(new LeadingMarginSpan.Standard(15 * parents.size()), start,
                                        output.length(), 0);