The common ways to pass data in the Android applications
In the Android projects, data-passing from here to there (e.g. Activity to Activity, Activity to Fragment, Fragment to Fragment) can be various which is depending on the data-types. There are several ways to do it which is summarizing below: The most common way to send data is using ...
In the Android projects, data-passing from here to there (e.g. Activity to Activity, Activity to Fragment, Fragment to Fragment) can be various which is depending on the data-types. There are several ways to do it which is summarizing below:
The most common way to send data is using Intent. Basically, we can pass data depending on the data-types. For example, if the data is primitive type ( e.g. boolean , byte , char , short , int , long , float and double ), string or user-defined objects, then we can send it as intent extras.
To send primitive or String data from one Activity to another Activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); intent.putExtra("KEY_INTEGER_VALUE", 4); intent.putExtra("KEY_DOUBLE_VALUE", 40.5); intent.putExtra("KEY_BOOLEAN_VALUE", true); intent.putExtra("KEY_STRING_VALUE", "String data");
Also, you can use Bundle to send multiple data via Intent as following:
Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("KEY_INTEGER_VALUE", 4); bundle.putDouble("KEY_DOUBLE_VALUE", 40.5); bundle.putBoolean("KEY_BOOLEAN_VALUE", true); bundle.putString("KEY_STRING_VALUE", "String data"); intent.putExtra("KEY_BUNDLE_VALUE", bundle);
To receive a single data:
int value = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("KEY_INTEGER_VALUE");
As well as, you can receive multiple data/objects using Bundle:
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras(); int valueInteger = bundle.getInt("KEY_INTEGER_VALUE"); double valueDouble = bundle.getDouble("KEY_DOUBLE_VALUE"); boolean booleanValue = bundle.getBoolean("KEY_BOOLEAN_VALUE"); String valueString = bundle.getString("KEY_STRING_VALUE");
The same way goes to byte, char, short, long or float.
Now, let's discuss about user-defined objects. We can make our objects either Serializable nor Parcelable.
If the object is implemented as Serializable as below:
import; public class AnyObjectSerializable implements Serializable { private int mIntValue; private String mStringValue; public AnyObjectSerializable(int intValue, String stringValue) { mIntValue = intValue; mStringValue = stringValue; } }
Then, you can use the following code-snap to send this object via Intent.
// initializing the object. AnyObjectSerializable anyObjectSerializable = new AnyObjectSerializable(30, "Thirty"); // initializing the intent & bundle. Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putSerializable("KEY_ANY_OBJECT", anyObjectSerializable); intent.putExtra("KEY_BUNDLE_VALUE", bundle);
But, using the Serializable object prones to make a garbage collection with a lot of temporary objects. So, many developers prefer to work with Parcelable objects to get a speedy process which is usually implemented as following:
import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; public class AnyObjectParcelable implements Parcelable { private int mIntValue; private String mStringValue; public AnyObjectParcelable(int intValue, String stringValue) { mIntValue = intValue; mStringValue = stringValue; } protected AnyObjectParcelable(Parcel in) { mIntValue = in.readInt(); mStringValue = in.readString(); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mIntValue); dest.writeString(mStringValue); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } public static final Creator<AnyObjectParcelable> CREATOR = new Creator<AnyObjectParcelable>() { @Override public AnyObjectParcelable createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new AnyObjectParcelable(in); } @Override public AnyObjectParcelable[] newArray(int size) { return new AnyObjectParcelable[size]; } }; }
And, you can use the following code-snap to send a Parcelable object via Intent.
// initializing the object. AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = new AnyObjectParcelable(30, "Thirty"); // initializing the intent & bundle. Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelable("KEY_ANY_OBJECT", anyObjectParcelable); intent.putExtra("KEY_BUNDLE_VALUE", bundle);
Or, you can send objects without using any bundle:
AnyObjectSerializable anyObjectSerializable = new AnyObjectSerializable(30, "Thirty"); AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = new AnyObjectParcelable(30, "Thirty"); Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); intent.putExtra("KEY_SERIALIZABLE_VALUE", anyObjectSerializable); intent.putExtra("KEY_PARCELABLE_VALUE", anyObjectParcelable);
To receive any Serializable object you can to use the following code-snap:
AnyObjectSerializable anyObject = (AnyObjectSerializable) intent.getSerializableExtra("KEY_SERIALIZABLE_VALUE"); // Or, AnyObjectSerializable anyObject = (AnyObjectSerializable) intent.getExtras().getSerializable("KEY_SERIALIZABLE_VALUE");
To receive any Parcelable object you can to use the following code-snap:
AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = intent.getExtras().getParcelable("KEY_PARCELABLE_VALUE"); // Or, AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = intent.getParcelableExtra("KEY_PARCELABLE_VALUE");
To receive any Serializable/Parcelable object using Bundle you can to use the following code-snap:
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras(); AnyObjectSerializable anyObjectSerializable = (AnyObjectSerializable) bundle.getSerializable("KEY_SERIALIZABLE_VALUE"); AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = (AnyObjectParcelable) bundle.getParcelable("KEY_PARCELABLE_VALUE");
Now, let's discuss about sending data among Fragments & Activities.
To send data from Activity to Fragment you can use the following solution:
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("KEY_STRING_VALUE", "String data"); AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = new AnyObjectParcelable(30, "Thirty"); bundle.putParcelable("KEY_ANY_OBJECT", anyObjectParcelable); MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment(); fragment.setArguments(bundle);
To receive the bundle from Activity:
@Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { String stringValue = getArguments().getString("KEY_STRING_VALUE"); AnyObjectParcelable anyObjectParcelable = getArguments().getParcelable("KEY_ANY_OBJECT"); return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment, container, false); }
Also, manytimes we need to pass data/objects using ArrayList, Parcelable array or maybe SparseArray . So, we can simply do as following:
/** To sent ArrayList of Serializable type data */ Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); ArrayList<AnyObjectSerializable> anyObjectListSend = new ArrayList<>(); intent.putExtra("KEY_BUNDLE_VALUE", bundle); /** To receive ArrayList of Serializable type data */ ArrayList<AnyObjectSerializable> anyObjectListReceive = (ArrayList<AnyObjectSerializable>) intent.getExtras().getSerializable("KEY_VALUE");
/** To sent Parcelable type data */ // a) ArrayList of objects. // using bundle Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); ArrayList<AnyObjectParcelable> anyObjectList = new ArrayList<>(); bundle.putParcelableArrayList("KEY_VALUE", anyObjectList); intent.putExtra("KEY_BUNDLE_VALUE", bundle); // Or, using directly via intent intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("KEY_VALUE", anyObjectList); // b) Parcelable[] data using bundle Parcelable[] parcelablesSend = new Parcelable[] { new Bundle() }; bundle.putParcelableArray("KEY_VALUE", parcelablesSend); // c) SparseArray<Parcelable> data using bundle SparseArray<Parcelable> sparseArray = new SparseArray<>(); bundle.putSparseParcelableArray("KEY_VALUE", sparseArray); /** To receive Parcelable type data */ // a) ArrayList of objects. ArrayList<AnyObjectParcelable> anyObjectList = getIntent().getExtras().getParcelableArrayList("KEY_VALUE"); // b) Parcelable[] data using bundle Parcelable[] parcelablesReceive = getIntent().getExtras().getParcelableArray("KEY_VALUE"); // c) SparseArray<Parcelable> data using bundle SparseArray<Parcelable> sparseArray = intent.getExtras().getSparseParcelableArray("KEY_VALUE");
This is how, you can pass data with or without bundle via Intent among Activites & Fragments.
Here, "coupling" means you can pass data by using static/non-static fields, getter or setter properties among activities & fragments. This is a basic way to pass data which depends on the memory of the same process.
public class MyData { // static fields public static String sName = "my_name"; public static int sAge = 27; // non-static field private double mScore = 4.5; // constructor with parameter public MyData(double score) { mScore = score; } // empty constructor public MyData() { } // getter for non-static field public double getScore() { return mScore; } // setter for non-static field public void setScore(double score) { mScore = score; } }
To pass the data you need to write code as below:
/** you can access static fields without creating any instance */ String name = MyData.sName; int age = MyData.sAge; /** But, you can set/get non-static fields after creating a instance of the class */ MyData myData = new MyData(); myData.setScore(9.5); myData.getScore(); /** You can pass data through the constructor */ MyData myData = new MyData(5.5);
Moreover, You can make a singleton class as following:
public class MyData { private String data; public String getData() { return data; } public void setData(String data) { data = data; } private static final MyData sMyData = new MyData(); public static MyData getInstance() { return sMyData; } }
And, access as following: String data = MyData.getInstance().getData();
Overall, it depends on your written code about how you want to pass you data.
Another common way is saving data/object into disk & retrieving it whenever you need. There are few ways to do it, for example:
- HashMap of WeakReferences - See more
- Shared Preferences - See more
- Sqlite Database - See more
- Save data to a file - See more
You can choose an advantageous way to pass the data based on the requirement or situation. Happy coding!