The moment you reach the 70 mark

I'm using the weapon of blood ring, which deals me an average of 81 damages per second.



Let's get started. Okay, you can observe the live time at 3:39 am. It's very late , but I just completed a 15 and a half-hour streaming on Twitch. If you've not yet followed me on Twitch and would like to WoW Classic SoD Gold  stream live stream, follow the link that is below in the description of the video. I stream a lot in the lead-up to the patch. I have a lot of preparation to complete for rough.

Also, I'll be streaming lots throughout Wrath itself. There's an opportunity to donate. I'm going to remove this one for the remainder of the stream, however it was there to support the stream. That's it. Let's take a examine what you can find here since you can purchase some very simple and beautiful gear. Let's take a look at the weapon. For instance, I'm using the weapon of blood ring, which deals me an average of 81 damages per second.

This one is a bit more powerful, giving me the ability to deal 114 damages per second. It also costs me 19.000 honor points for doing battlegrounds, or ultra violets specifically for two and a half hours. We're aiming for 14.4 1000 points, or roughly 6000 per hour. This is actually very excellent. I believe we have were able to win eight or nine battlegrounds, and the last 5 or 6.

It's going extremely fast. Again, it's around 1010 minutes for each battleground, plus the two minutes of Q. And here's the best part that you can start this starting at level 61. If you're an dk at the moment or another class and you are at level 61, you can begin doing Alltrack valley at the level 61. You'll be able to kill two birds with one stone since you gain experience in Alltrack Valley as you level up, and you earn 100 points.

The moment you reach the 70 mark, you will be able to accumulate enough points to purchase more powerful equipment. Let's take a look at the price of everything. If the 200 weapons cost 19.000 there are 100 weapons with 9.5 1000. They also have lots of DPS in the form of 107.9 Damage per Second.

Once you have purchased an item that is the most expensive item in this article,

So, if you pay 19.000 to buy the gun WoW Classic SoD Gold for sale , and begin buying rnps the orangepi CES. They are very affordable. That's 9.5k to get the chestpiece, which is an especially huge upgrade. Take a look at the chestpiece compared to the one that I own, it's extremely brutal.

The gloves too are a massive upgrade, twice in armor, more than double the strength and stamina. Similar to helmets. They're a lot better armor almost doubles over and more than twice as you can see in the price of the chest. 9.5 helmet. 9.5 legs. 9.5 gloves are 7.6.