12/08/2018, 15:44

Wordpress development in the local environment using Docker

The development environment is a trouble when developing Wordpress. With a staging environment, you can work without messing up the production environment , but it is difficult to collaborate between the two sides. It will be extremely convenient if it can be developed by a group of people and be ...

The development environment is a trouble when developing Wordpress. With a staging environment, you can work without messing up the production environment , but it is difficult to collaborate between the two sides. It will be extremely convenient if it can be developed by a group of people and be possible to developed in the local environment.

If you prepare a development environment with Docker, the first setting is kind of complicated but you can prepare the development environment with one command. The following is a simple setting method of Docker and a method of Wordpress's local development environment.

You can download Docker from its public site: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/#download-docker-for-mac


"Image" is a file prepared by Docker. By downloading images you can build mySQL, Wordpress, etc. in local environment. Following is a commonly used command.

Build an image. A file linked to Dockerfile is specified. $ docker build [-t {Image name} [:{Tag name}]]{Directory that contains Dockerfile} Download Image $ docker pull {Image name} Delete Image $ docker rmi ImageID


"Container" is an application that operates in the local environment constructed based on the image.

Container status display $ docker ps Delete Container $ docker rm ContainerID Enter the container $ docker exec -it ContainerName bash


"Volume" is data of sites used in containers and data such as DB information. Display Volume content $ docker volume ls Remove all volume $ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true) Delete broken link $ docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

Compose file

"Compass file" installs the image with the contents set in docker-compose.yml and then builds the container and the volume. Docker images and containers are rarely used singly, it takes time to start up and link with each command one by one. Prepare a compass file to automate configuration. Create containers. Run in background with -d $ docker-compose up (-d) Re-execute and update container $ docker-compose build Stop / delete containers $ docker-compose down

  1. Move to the working directory:

    $cd /test

  2. Prepare the docker-compose.yml

version: "2"
        image: wordpress:latest
            - 80:80
            - db
            WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306
            WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: docker_db
            WORDPRESS_DB_USER: docker_user
            WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: dockerpass
        image: mysql:latest
            - 3306:3306
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
            MYSQL_DATABASE: docker_db
            MYSQL_USER: docker_user
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: dockerpass
            - db-data:/var/lib/mysql
      driver: local
  1. Run Command

    $ docker-compose up (-d) Locally accessible URLs are displayed with the following command. $ docker ps Example:

Execute the following command.

Command $ docker exec -it Containername sh -c 'mysqldump DBname -u Username -pPASSWORD 2> /dev/null' > SaveDestination Filename Example command $docker exec -it 2275b287c1cf sh -c 'mysqldump docker_db -u docker_user -pdockerpass 2> /dev/null' > db.sql

#Wordpress theme plug-in · Load images and DB from the beginning.

Load themes

Volume of Wordpress of docker-compose.yml like below

       #Default themes
   - ./sitedata/themes:/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/
   - ./sitedata/plugins:/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/
   - ./sitedata/uploads:/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/

Volume of mySQL of docker-compose.yml like below

   - db-data:/var/lib/mysql
   #Default DB
   - ./sql-data/db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/install_wordpress.sql
  1. Start Wordpress, MySQL with Docker-compose

  2. Import the SQL data you want to load in mySQL, except the tables below DB table not to be imported

  • Wp_options: Information on the site is stored
  • Wp_usermeta: User information setting is stored
  • Wp_users: User information is stored
  1. Change the path after importing SQL command example UPDATE wp_posts SET guid=REPLACE(guid,'http://pscreator.com','');

  2. Adjust settings in Wordpress administration screen Setting contents → Custom Field, Permalink,

  3. Export Wordpress DB

  4. Set the volume to import the exported data as initial data in Docker-compose Volume of mySQL of docker-compose.yml like below

        - ./sql-data/db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/install_wordpress.sql
  1. When rebooting, the same Wordpress as the origin one will be built

The following is a sample file that can be linked with Wordpress theme and DB https://github.com/psc-kamei/dev_wp_docker