12/08/2018, 14:20

introducing to tmuxinator

what is the point to do this? You will never need to remember what command you need to run the server for your application open new tab in terminal and type gulp watch ~ redis-server ~ or something All you need to do is mux (app name) after you are set to use tmuxinator. Installation ...

what is the point to do this?

You will never need to

  • remember what command you need to run the server for your application
  • open new tab in terminal and type gulp watch ~ redis-server ~ or something

All you need to do is mux (app name) after you are set to use tmuxinator.


gem install tmuxinator

Editor and Shell

tmuxinator uses your shell's default editor for opening files. If you're not sure what that is type:

echo $EDITOR

For me that produces "vim". If you want to change your default editor simply put a line in ~/.bashrc that changes it. Mine looks like this:

export EDITOR='vim'


The recommended version of tmux to use is 1.8.

what I did

at root directory in your pc

mkdir .tmuxinator
cd .tmuxinator

Download the appropriate completion file from completion file


Add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

source ~/.tmuxinator/tmuxinator.bash


Add the following to your ~/.zshrc:

source ~/.tmuxinator/tmuxinator.zsh

and read the instruction here

for example one of my setting is below

  1 # ~/.tmuxinator/conf.yml
  3 name: conf
  4 root: ~/framgia/confRoom
  6 # Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
  7 # post: tmux -CC attach -t conf
  9 # pre:
 10 #   -
 12 windows:
 13   - main: cd ~/framgia/confRoom
 14   - editor: vim
 15   - server: rails s -b
 16   - postgres: postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
 17   - psql: psql development