12/08/2018, 13:05

SEO Basic For Ruby On Rails

SEO Basic For Ruby On Rails Today, I want to show one article about SEO Basics for rails delopers, It's very important to understand about SEO ( Search engine optimization ). After and after you need to know first is what is meaning of SEO ? why do we need it ? How can we apply SEO into Ruby on ...

SEO Basic For Ruby On Rails

Today, I want to show one article about SEO Basics for rails delopers, It's very important to understand about SEO (Search engine optimization). After and after you need to know first is what is meaning of SEO ? why do we need it ? How can we apply SEO into Ruby on Rails ?


What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.

Why You Need Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

seo need.jpg

There are many results for us that need SEO. However I want to show you about 6 results why need SEO.

  1. Internet Marketing and SEO strategies are the only form of marketing that puts your business, product or service in front of your targeted market and prospective customers who are actively seeking exactly what your company offers.
  2. Brand Awareness and increase visibility is important as 8 out of 10 people using the internet to find a product or service eventually does business online.
  3. The tool of choice to solving our unanswered questions, finding a product or service is done through the help of an internet search engine like google. Nearly 250 million searches are performed per day on Google alone. This number is trending upwards since the introduction of 3G or higher wireless networks, providing fast mobile web browsing with the smart phones and laptop with wireless sticks.
  4. Organic search engine results are 85% of all end users clicks, as opposed to only 15% for sponsored ads, like Pay Per Click (PPC).
  5. Get your Website working for you and get back your ROI. Your website and Web Marketing applying SEO Optimization strategies works for you 24/7 365 days a years vs traditional ads on the Radio, Newspaper, Tv and Billboards are time sensitive.
  6. Making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand.

How to use Ruby on Rails for SEO

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We also know the result why we need the SEO as above, so now how can we use the Ruby On Rails for SEO. On the otherhand, we will show some of the gems in ruby on rails to improve your site by basic of SEO.

  • Metamagic


This gem allows us to create meta of header website. Because meta tags were used by search engines to index web pages based on title, description, and even keywords. In a perfect world, if everyone had used them fairly, it would have served as a boon. However, certain websites started overusing them, cramming popular keywords in the hope of getting better search results. Google, recognizing this, announced in 2009 that they don’t use meta keywords or descriptions in their search algorithms for ranking purposes.

Even though the description meta tags have no effect on search engine rank, they do appear in search results. This means that a person gets to read your description on a search results page before clicking on your link, showing that meta descriptions should be written for people to read rather than for robots to find. So while a good meta description will not improve your ranking, it will increase click-through rates to your website from search pages.

example 01.png

  • Gretel for breadcrumbs


This gem allows us to bread crumb our site.By the way a web site navigation technique. Bread crumbs typically appear horizontally near the top of a Web page, providing links back to each previous page that the you navigates through in order to get to the current page. Basically, they provide a trail for the you to follow back to the starting/entry point of a Web site and may look something like this:

home page --> section page --> sub section page

Screenshot from 2015-12-24 13:35:47.png

  • SitemapGenerator


This gem allows us to sitemap our site. It's very important to sitemap your website because sitemaps are a way to tell Google about pages on your site we might not otherwise discover. In its simplest terms, a XML Sitemap—usually called Sitemap, with a capital S—is a list of the pages on your website. Creating and submitting a Sitemap helps make sure that Google knows about all the pages on your site, including URLs that may not be discoverable by Google’s normal crawling process. And you will see in your website as below:


Screenshot from 2015-12-24 13:54:40.png

  • FriendlyId


This gem allows us to make pretty url. It means that so many ruby on rails developer write the code of url is with RestFul Technology. By the way, we want to make pretty url that allow the Search Engine as (Google, Yahoo, Bing) can search to your url better than you use the url id. However this gem just insteads your url as below:


instead of



For the end, the article is just a part of SEO and there are many thing that you need to know more about SEO. if you think this article have some mistake or ancient, you can recommend. Because SEO knowledge will be changed by the time one by one. In a future article, if I found the new thing about SEO in ruby on rails, I will show and description it better than this article.

** Document for this article:**

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_optimization

  • https://github.com/hothero/awesome-rails-gem

  • http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf

  • From Idea to Web Start-up in 21 Day (title of book)