Try to use turnip_support gem
turnip-support is a gem that support testing features of Rails applications using turnip, rspec and headless browser. Now i will show an example to test Rails application with turnip_support gem. Design database Role id name User id name login_id role_id password ...
turnip-support is a gem that support testing features of Rails applications using turnip, rspec and headless browser.
Now i will show an example to test Rails application with turnip_support gem.
Design database
- id
- name
- id
- name
- login_id
- role_id
- password
- password_confirmation
Create new rails project
rails new turnip_support_example
- Create models
rails generate scaffold Role name:string rails generate scaffold User name:string login_id:string role:references password:string password_confirmation:string
- Run
rake db:create rake db:migrate rails s
- Open your browser and access to http://localhost:3000/roles to check.
Create factories for each model
- Create folder spec/factories
- Create 2 file with below contents:
○ spec/factories/users.rb
FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do sequence(:login_id){|n| "user#{n}"} sequence(:name){|n| "Admin User #{n}"} role {FactoryGirl.create :role} password "12345678" password_confirmation "12345678" end end
○ spec/factories/roles.rb
FactoryGirl.define do factory :role do sequence(:name){|n| "role-#{n}"} end end
- Add gem "turnip_support", git: "" to group :test of your Gemfile
- Run
bundle install bundle exec rake turnip_support init
Create test case with google spread sheet
- Create a spread sheet with content like below spread sheet
Test case sample
- Create file config.json Follow This tutorial Result is a file has content:
{ "client_id": "", "client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
- Move this file to folder spec/configs
- Create spec/configs/list_user.yml file with below content:
spreadsheet_key: 1IHXpmlxUbkioauITZNgtFoYzlixHh1yKzsbD1w1aQ6Y config_file: config.json worksheet_order_number: 0
1IHXpmlxUbkioauITZNgtFoYzlixHh1yKzsbD1w1aQ6Y is test case's spread sheet key. config.json is the name of just created json file what is placed in spec/configs folder. worksheet_order_number is the order number of test case worksheet in the test case spread sheet.
- Save
Create feature file
- Run
bundle exec rake turnip_support list_user list_user.yml
with list_user param is the feature name,
list_user.yml is the configuration file what is just created and placed in spec/configs folder.
At the first time, below message will be displayed.
1. Open this page: 2. Enter the authorization code shown in the page:
Copy displayed link and paste to browser, you can see the authorization code. Copy this code and paste to terminal then press Enter.
If below error is appeared,
Google::Apis::ClientError: accessNotConfigured: Access Not Configured. Drive API has not been used in project PROJECT_ID before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
please access to and enable the Google Drive API then run again:
bundle exec rake turnip_support list_user list_user.yml
Run testing
bundle exec rspec spec/features/list_user.feature
- turnip_support