30/09/2018, 23:52

Các vấn đề hiện đại của công nghệ thông tin

Mình cần làm 1 bài tiểu luận về 1 vấn đề hiện đại của công nghệ thông tin. Mọi người có thể gợi ý có mình 1 sốt đề tài đang hot được không ạ

vũ xuân quân viết 01:58 ngày 01/10/2018

có 3 chủ đề đang nổi lên:

  • Internet Of thing(IOt )
  • Trí tuệ nhân tạo (AL)
  • Thực tại ảo (AR/VR)
    Có thể lên pcworldvn để kiếm mấy chủ đề này.
Itachi Citus viết 02:04 ngày 01/10/2018

Hằng năm Gartner có làm cái biểu đồ này để diễn tả các công nghệ trong tương lai, mức độ “hype” và thời gian để công nghệ đó có thể đưa vào sản xuất. Bạn có thể xem thử.

Có 3 xu hướng công nghệ được gartner xác định trong tương lai::

Key Technology Trends

Transparently immersive experiences: Technology will continue to become more human-centric to the point where it will introduce transparency between people, businesses and things. This relationship will become much more entwined as the evolution of technology becomes more adaptive, contextual and fluid within the workplace, at home, and interacting with businesses and other people.

Critical technologies to be considered include 4D Printing, Brain-Computer Interface, Human Augmentation, Volumetric Displays, Affective Computing, Connected Home, Nanotube Electronics, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Gesture Control Devices.

The perceptual smart machine age: Smart machine technologies will be the most disruptive class of technologies over the next 10 years due to radical computational power, near-endless amounts of data, and unprecedented advances in deep neural networks that will allow organizations with smart machine technologies to harness data in order to adapt to new situations and solve problems that no one has encountered previously. Enterprises that are seeking leverage in this theme should consider the following technologies: Smart Dust, Machine Learning, Virtual Personal Assistants, Cognitive Expert Advisors, Smart Data Discovery, Smart Workspace, Conversational User Interfaces, Smart Robots, Commercial UAVs (Drones), Autonomous Vehicles, Natural-Language Question Answering, Personal Analytics, Enterprise Taxonomy and Ontology Management, Data Broker PaaS (dbrPaaS), and Context Brokering.

The platform revolution: Emerging technologies are revolutionizing the concepts of how platforms are defined and used. The shift from technical infrastructure to ecosystem-enabling platforms is laying the foundations for entirely new business models that are forming the bridge between humans and technology. Within these dynamic ecosystems, organizations must proactively understand and redefine their strategy to create platform-based business models, and to exploit internal and external algorithms in order to generate value. Key platform-enabling technologies to track include Neuromorphic Hardware, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, IoT Platform, Software-Defined Security and Software-Defined Anything (SDx).

Nguồn: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3412017

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