30/09/2018, 19:08

Create Checking Permission function in LINQ C#

I create 1 loginForm, this form will check email and password, if them typed like info in database, redirect to mainForm.
Addition, I want to create and check id, if id = ‘1’ => admin, show mainForm, if not show Error Msg.
Because anyone can Login and manage info in database
my database have 1 table included 7 fields: id, email, password, fullname, sex, birth, address

AccountManagementDataContext AccMgr = new AccountManagementDataContext();
        public bool CheckLogin(string email, string password)
            int account = (from acc in AccMgr.BasicInfos
                           where acc.email == email && acc.password == password
                           select acc).Count();
            if (account == 1)
                return true;
                return false;

        public IEnumerable<BasicInfo> SelectAll()
            IEnumerable<BasicInfo> account = from acc in AccMgr.BasicInfos
                                             select acc;
            return account;
        public bool CheckAccount(string email)
            int account = (from acc in AccMgr.BasicInfos
                           where acc.email == email
                           select acc).Count();
            if (account == 1)
                return true;
                return false;

How I can make checking id function?

Khiem Nguyen viết 21:09 ngày 30/09/2018

trong điều kiện if bạn set thêm giá trị account.id == 1 để kiểm tra có phải là admin không

public bool CheckLogin(string email, string password)
    var account = (from acc in AccMgr.BasicInfo
                where acc.email == email && acc.password == password
                select acc);
    if (account.Count() > 0 && account.id == 1)
        return true;
        return false;
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