01/10/2018, 09:50

Error when using pyinstaller

Mình sử dụng Pyinstaller để tạo file exe, nhưng bị lỗi thế này. Có bạn nào đã gặp vấn đề này chưa, có thể giúp mình k ah?

File python của mình có import matplotlib

143 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.2.1
143 INFO: Python: 3.4.3
143 INFO: Platform: Windows-8-6.2.9200
144 INFO: wrote c:Users3tbkDesktop	tfileName.spec
146 INFO: UPX is not available.
148 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
['c:\Users\3tbk\Desktop\tt', 'c:\Users\3tbk\Desktop\tt']
149 INFO: checking Analysis
149 INFO: Building Analysis because out00-Analysis.toc is non existent
149 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph...
152 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks...
154 INFO: Analyzing base_library.zip ...
2675 INFO: Processing pre-find module path hook   distutils
4252 INFO: running Analysis out00-Analysis.toc
4364 INFO: Caching module hooks...
4375 INFO: Analyzing c:Users3tbkDesktop	tKS_MAP.py
4780 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   six.moves
7103 INFO: Processing pre-find module path hook   site
7104 INFO: site: retargeting to fake-dir 'C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\fake-modules'
7131 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   win32com
14591 INFO: Loading module hooks...
14592 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pkg_resources.py"...
14831 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-_tkinter.py"...
15002 INFO: checking Tree
15003 INFO: Building Tree because out00-Tree.toc is non existent
15003 INFO: Building Tree out00-Tree.toc
15228 INFO: checking Tree
15228 INFO: Building Tree because out01-Tree.toc is non existent
15229 INFO: Building Tree out01-Tree.toc
15257 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-setuptools.py"...
15258 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pytz.py"...
15438 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-encodings.py"...
15553 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-win32com.py"...
15622 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-distutils.py"...
15623 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-sysconfig.py"...
15625 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-lib2to3.py"...
15639 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pydoc.py"...
15640 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-matplotlib.backends.py"...
16435 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "GTK": ignored
    Gtk* backend requires pygtk to be installed.
17117 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "GTKAgg": ignored
    Gtk* backend requires pygtk to be installed.
17506 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "GTKCairo": ignored
    No module named 'gtk'
18168 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "MacOSX": ignored
    cannot import name '_macosx'
18843 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "Qt4Agg": ignored
    Matplotlib qt-based backends require an external PyQt4, PyQt5,
or PySide package to be installed, but it was not found.
19513 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "Qt5Agg": ignored
    Matplotlib qt-based backends require an external PyQt4, PyQt5,
or PySide package to be installed, but it was not found.
20201 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "TkAgg": added
20853 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "WX": ignored
    Matplotlib backend_wx and backend_wxagg require wxPython >=2.8.12
21523 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "WXAgg": ignored
    Matplotlib backend_wx and backend_wxagg require wxPython >=2.8.12
21912 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "GTK3Cairo": ignored
    Gtk3 backend requires pygobject to be installed.
22580 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "GTK3Agg": ignored
    Gtk3 backend requires pygobject to be installed.
22969 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "WebAgg": ignored
    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:Python34libsite-packagesmatplotlibackendsackend_webagg.py", line 28, in <module>
    import tornado
ImportError: No module named 'tornado'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 12, in <module>
  File "C:Python34libsite-packagesmatplotlibackendsackend_webagg.py", line 30, in <module>
    raise RuntimeError("The WebAgg backend requires Tornado.")
RuntimeError: The WebAgg backend requires Tornado.
23372 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "nbAgg": ignored
    No module named 'tornado'
24034 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "agg": added
24439 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "cairo": ignored
    Cairo backend requires that cairocffi or pycairo is installed.
24825 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "gdk": ignored
    No module named 'gobject'
25517 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "pdf": added
26912 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "pgf": added
27581 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "ps": added
28244 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "svg": added
28894 INFO:   Matplotlib backend "template": added
29089 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-matplotlib.py"...
29520 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-xml.py"...
29522 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pythoncom.py"...
29769 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-numpy.core.py"...
29857 INFO: Loading module hook "hook-pywintypes.py"...
30185 INFO: Looking for ctypes DLLs
30214 INFO: Analyzing run-time hooks ...
30226 INFO: Including run-time hook 'pyi_rth_win32comgenpy.py'
30228 INFO: Including run-time hook 'pyi_rth_pkgres.py'
30230 INFO: Including run-time hook 'pyi_rth_mplconfig.py'
30231 INFO: Including run-time hook 'pyi_rth_mpldata.py'
30232 INFO: Including run-time hook 'pyi_rth__tkinter.py'
30256 INFO: Looking for dynamic libraries
31266 INFO: Looking for eggs
31266 INFO: Using Python library C:Windowssystem32python34.dll
31267 INFO: Found binding redirects:
31281 INFO: Warnings written to c:Users3tbkDesktop	tuildfileNamewarnfileName.txt
31767 INFO: checking PYZ
31767 INFO: Building PYZ because out00-PYZ.toc is non existent
31768 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) c:Users3tbkDesktop	tuildfileNameout00-PYZ.pyz
35537 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) c:Users3tbkDesktop	tuildfileNameout00-PYZ.pyz completed successfully.
35657 INFO: checking PKG
35658 INFO: Building PKG because out00-PKG.toc is non existent
35659 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) out00-PKG.pkg
45485 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) out00-PKG.pkg completed successfully.
45879 INFO: Bootloader C:Python34libsite-packagesPyInstallerootloaderWindows-64bit
45879 INFO: checking EXE
45881 INFO: Building EXE because out00-EXE.toc is non existent
45881 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc
45881 INFO: Appending archive to EXE c:Users3tbkDesktop	tdistfileName.exe
45917 INFO: Building EXE from out00-EXE.toc completed successfully.

17XGOD viết 11:51 ngày 01/10/2018

import tornadoImportError: No module named ‘tornado’

Bạn phải đọc lỗi chứ, ở đây nó ghi không có module nào tên là tornado, bạn cài tornado chưa ?

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