01/10/2018, 12:25

Học learnpythonthehardway

web : learnpythonthehardway.org sao em học tới ex9.py là hết miễn phí rồi ạ !!

Vũ Thanh viết 14:36 ngày 01/10/2018


Vũ Thanh viết 14:25 ngày 01/10/2018

My Learn Ruby The Hard Way is still free to read for anyone who needs to learn to code. Ruby is a perfectly fine alternative to Python, and works just as well as a first language. If you can’t afford Learn Python The Hard Way then read Learn Ruby The Hard Way for free

Link gốc: https://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ex10.html

Milky Way viết 14:37 ngày 01/10/2018

My Learn Ruby The Hard Way is still free to read for anyone who needs to learn to code. Ruby is a perfectly fine alternative to Python, and works just as well as a first language. If you can’t afford Learn Python The Hard Way then read Learn Ruby The Hard Way for free

I know Ruby is free but I want to learn python more… and I like python the ruby

Vũ Thanh viết 14:36 ngày 01/10/2018

Sưu tầm ở trên cái mạng: https://goo.gl/zdikNe

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