30/09/2018, 23:02
Không Mở Được thư mục data trong Android Device Monitor
Mặc dù đã cấp quyền đầy đủ nhưng vẫn không mở được lúc trước mở bình thường sao kì này không mở được nữa , a e nào có giải pháp nào không

Bài liên quan
Android Studio can't open Android Device Monitor - My Android Solutions
(Last Updated On: June 28, 2016)Problem Recently I had this issue: my Android Device Monitor didn’t open and and an error log file was generated every time I was tring to open it, under Android – sdk – tools – lib – monitor-x86_64 –...
Android Studio can’t open Android Device Monitor
June 28, 2016Laura SuciuSolutions0 Comments
(Last Updated On: June 28, 2016)
Recently I had this issue: my Android Device Monitor didn’t open and and an error log file was generated every time I was tring to open it, under Android – sdk – tools – lib – monitor-x86_64 – configuration. Also, I have to mention that it happened on Windows.
I googled it and found different answers but none worked for me, and after some further digging, I found the solution for my case.
Solution (that worked for me)
My .android folder was read-only so I had to change this. The file is located in my case under C:\Users<your_user>. So right-click on the folder – select Properties – uncheck read-only option.
Android Studio can't open Android Device Monitor - My Android Solutions
(Last Updated On: June 28, 2016)Problem Recently I had this issue: my Android Device Monitor didn’t open and and an error log file was generated every time I was tring to open it, under Android – sdk – tools – lib – monitor-x86_64 –...