30/09/2018, 19:28

Lập trình viên thật sự làm gì mỗi ngày?

Trong lúc rảnh rỗi thì mình có tìm thấy một chia sẻ thú vị về công việc của 1 anh chàng programmer người Mỹ. Mình xin chia sẻ với các bạn. 1 chút sơ lược về anh chàng programmer này:
Tên đầy đủ: David Chouinard
Công việc hiện tại: Product Enginner at Disney.
Quá khứ: Đã là hacker và thành lập cty riêng từ năm 12 tuổi. Yêu thích robot va programming kể từ đó. Tốt nghiệp grad school ĐH Harvard…

"Programmers spend most of their time at their computers writing software. They will also spend some time writing diagrams and thinking about the general structure of the problem. Like any work, there’s also occasional meetings with bosses, clients, etc. In the best companies, you’ll have long periods of deep, uninterrupted work where you get to solve very interesting problems.

Unlike most other careers, you have the opportunity to learn a lot by yourself before you commit to making a career in programming. Take that opportunity! There’s a lot of ressources available to learn to program.

I learnt to program at 14 years old with Lego Mindstorms, which I recommend strongly. Check it out: http://mindstorms.lego.com/ . If your parents can afford it, it’s definitely worth it. You also should take a loot at CodeAcademy and start doing the exercises: http://www.codecademy.com/.

As a software developer, I find my job incredibly gratifying. I get to create stuff out of thin air. Stuff that has the potential to have a real impact on the world and touch millions of people. If you’re anything like me, you really enjoy a challenge. You don’t need extraordinary skills in math, but you definitely need a logical mind.

You’ll also find that all the good programmers are very passionate. It’s fascinating to work with people who care so deeply about what they do. Salaries are very high in programming, but don’t base your decision on that: you’ll never become any good if you do.

All in all, it’s definitely something I recommend to you."

Mình thì tâm đắc nhất là đoạn này :
“As a software developer, I find my job incredibly gratifying. I get to create stuff out of thin air. Stuff that has the potential to have a real impact on the world and touch millions of people.”

Không biết các bạn nghĩ sao chứ mục đích cuối cùng của mình học lập trình là cố gắng làm sao để điều này xảy ra.

huy vo viết 21:37 ngày 30/09/2018

Mình thấy Codecademy không hay lắm, Treehouse tốt hơn nhiều…

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