10/10/2018, 00:11
lỗ hổng bảo mật
file index này có 1 số lỗ hổng bảo mật, em tìm được 1 số lỗi như user name và password nhưng kô biết sửa thế nào, có bác nào giúp em với được kô? các bác hướng dẫn em thêm 1 chút để có thể vá các lỗi bảo mật được kô? cám ơn mọi người trước ^_^
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Zend Studio" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Simple message board</title>
<body bgcolor="#CCAAFF" text="#000000" link="#FF9966" vlink="#FF9966" alink="#FFCC99">
<h1>Simple message board</h1>
$dbServer = "localhost"; // needs to be "web334.cs.auckland.ac.nz" when you submit
$database = "messageboard"; // replace this by the database name on web334 (=your UPI)
$dbUser = "user334"; // replace this by your own UPI
$dbPassword = "myfunnypasswd"; // replace this by your database password
// Simple connection setup - note: lack of proper error handling here is NOT a security
// hole (it merely looks ugly)
if ($connection = @mysql_connect($dbServer, $dbUser, $dbPassword)) {
if (!@mysql_select_db($database,$connection)) {
// If you get an error here, you probably haven't set up the
// database correctly
echo "Error: Could log into DB server but database is not accessible. Reason: ";
echo mysql_error();
// If you get an error here, you either haven't set up your
// database password correctly, or you have been hacked :-(
echo "Error: Cannot connect to database server: ";
echo mysql_error();
// we've learned that much: always initialise variables
$loggedIn = false;
$loggedInAsAdmin = false;
// check login data
// Note: The fact that the database stores the password in plain
// text does not on its own represent a security hole in the context
// of this assignment.
$user = $_POST["USER"];
$password = $_POST["PASSWORD"];
$query = "select * from users where userId='$user' and userPassword='$password'";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryResultHandle) > 0) {
$queryResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResultHandle);
// user exists and is authenticated
$loggedIn = true;
// get the user's full name from the database record
$name = $queryResult["userName"];
echo "<h3>User: $name</h3>";
// check whether it is an admin user
if ($queryResult["userIsAdmin"] == "1") {
$loggedInAsAdmin = true;
if (!$loggedIn) {
// Case 1: User is not logged in
// - Escape from PHP mode to show login form.
// - Pre-complete form with username, if any was specified
<form action="./index.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="USER"
value="<?php echo $user; ?>">
<input type="password" name="PASSWORD">
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
// Case 2 or 3
$showList = true;
// Check whether we need to show a special form
// and include it if need be. Also, do any save,
// update or delete of messages, users or passwords
switch ($_POST["MODE"]) {
case "NEWUSER":
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
case "NEWPASS":
case "NEWMESS":
// All these cases require a form to be shown.
// Include the respective form from its external
// file:
// Also, we don't show the list of messages in this case
$showList = false;
case "SAVEPASS":
// If a change of user ID has been requested, make
// sure that the new user doesn't already exist
if ($user != $_POST["NEWUSERID"]) {
$query = "select * from users where userId='{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}'";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryResultHandle) > 0) {
echo "<p><b>User ID for user <i>$user</i> could not be changed
because the new id is already in use!</b></p>";
$showList = false;
// If we get here, the new user ID is unique
// check whether the passwords match
// Passwords match, so update database
$query = "update users
set userId = '{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}',
userPassword = '{$_POST["NEWPASSWORD1"]}'
where userId = '$user'";
if (@mysql_query($query)) {
echo "<p><b>Password for user <i>$user</i> updated!</b></p>";
// use new user ID and password from now on
$user = $_POST["NEWUSERID"];
$password = $_POST["NEWPASSWORD1"];
echo "<p><b>Password for user <i>$user</i> could not be updated because of a database problem!</b></p>";
echo "<p><b>New passwords do not match! Please try again.</b></p>";
// show form again and suppress message list
$showList = false;
case "SAVEUSER":
// First, make sure that we are logged in as admin.
// If not, exit here.
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
// Ensure that we have entered a user ID:
if ($_POST["NEWUSERID"] == "") {
echo "<p><b>Could not save user - no ID specified!</b></p>";
if ($_POST["NEWPASSWORD1"] == "") {
echo "<p><b>Could not save user - no password specified!</b></p>";
// Now make sure that the user doesn't already exist
$query = "select * from users where userId='{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}'";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryResultHandle) == 0) {
// This user name is new indeed!
// Check whether the passwords match
$showList = false;
$query = "insert into users (userId, userName, userPassword, userIsAdmin)
values ('{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}',
if (!@mysql_query($query)) {
echo "<p><b>Could not save user - something is wrong!</b></p>";
echo "<p><b>User could not be saved. Reason: User already exists!</b></p>";
// One last thing needs to be done: We need to create
// a default message file for the user.
"<"."?php $messages=array(); ?".">");
// Done!
echo "<h3>User <b>".$_POST["NEWUSERID"]."</b> created</h3>";
case "SAVEMESS":
// If the file exists, we should now have a $messages array.
// Generate a unique ID for the new message:
$messageId = uniqid("");
// Now generate the contents for the new message file.
// Start with the opening PHP tag, split here across two
// strings to avoid syntax problems in some editors:
$contents = "<?"."php $messages = array(";
// Add existing messages through a loop
foreach ($messages as $existingMessageId => $message) {
$contents .= "'$existingMessageId' => array(
'userId' => '$user',
'title' => '".$message["title"]."',
'text' => '".$message["text"]."'
), ";
// Add the latest message by appending:
$contents .= "'$messageId' => array(
'userId' => '$user',
'title' => '".$_POST["NEWMESSTITLE"]."',
'text' => '".$_POST["NEWMESSTEXT"]."'
// Close $messages array and PHP tag
$contents .= "); ?".">";
// Save file
echo "<h3>Message <i>".$_POST["NEWMESSTITLE"]."</i> saved</h3>";
// We must be admin to delete a user
// First, make sure that we are logged in as admin.
// If not, exit here.
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
// Delete user from database:
$query = "delete from users where userId = '{$_POST["USERTODELETE"]}'";
if (!@mysql_query($query)) {
echo "<p><b>Could not delete user - something is wrong!</b></p>";
// Delete user's messages
echo "<h3>User <b>".$_POST["USERTODELETE"]."</b> removed</h3>";
// We must be admin to delete a message
// First, make sure that we are logged in as admin.
// If not, exit here.
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
// Load all messages for the sender
// If the file exists, we should now have a $messages array.
// Save message title:
$title = $messages[$_POST["MESSAGETODELETE"]]["title"];
// Generate the contents for the new message file,
// skipping the message to be deleted.
// Start with the opening PHP tag, split here across two
// strings to avoid syntax problems in some editors:
$contents = "<?"."php $messages = array(";
// Add existing messages through a loop
$commaFlag = false; // remember whether we've added commas to $contents
foreach ($messages as $messageId => $message) {
if ($messageId == $_POST["MESSAGETODELETE"]) continue;
$contents .= "'$messageId' => array(
'userId' => '".$message["userId"]."',
'title' => '".$message["title"]."',
'text' => '".$message["text"]."'
), ";
$commaFlag = true;
// Remove trailing comma
if ($commaFlag) {
$contents = substr($contents, 0, strlen($contents) - 2);
// Close $messages array and PHP tag
$contents .= "); ?".">";
// Save file
echo "<h3>Message <b>$title</b> deleted</h3>";
default: break;
// At this point, all forms have been shown and all
// housekeeping has been done. Show the list of messages
// where applicable.
$allMessages = array();
// Grab a list of all users from the database
$query = "select * from users";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
// Aggregate all messages by looping through users
// and loading their messages
while ($userRecord = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResultHandle)) {
// Keep hold of the user information
$users[$userRecord["userId"]] = $userRecord;
// Add the messages for this user
$allMessages = array_merge($allMessages, $messages);
// Sort the messages by age (same as sorting by ID)
// Output messages as a table
echo "<p><table border="1">";
// Loop through messages array, output each message as a table row
foreach ($allMessages as $messageId => $message) {
echo "<tr>";
// Set variables for cell template
$sender = $message['userId'];
$userName = $users[$sender]["userName"];
// Include template
// If the user is an admin, we also need a form for
// deletion of the message and/or user
if ($loggedInAsAdmin) {
echo "</tr>";
// Close table tag
echo "</table></p>";
// Add buttons for new messages and password change
if ($loggedInAsAdmin) {
} // end of authenticated user processing
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Zend Studio" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Simple message board</title>
<body bgcolor="#CCAAFF" text="#000000" link="#FF9966" vlink="#FF9966" alink="#FFCC99">
<h1>Simple message board</h1>
$dbServer = "localhost"; // needs to be "web334.cs.auckland.ac.nz" when you submit
$database = "messageboard"; // replace this by the database name on web334 (=your UPI)
$dbUser = "user334"; // replace this by your own UPI
$dbPassword = "myfunnypasswd"; // replace this by your database password
// Simple connection setup - note: lack of proper error handling here is NOT a security
// hole (it merely looks ugly)
if ($connection = @mysql_connect($dbServer, $dbUser, $dbPassword)) {
if (!@mysql_select_db($database,$connection)) {
// If you get an error here, you probably haven't set up the
// database correctly
echo "Error: Could log into DB server but database is not accessible. Reason: ";
echo mysql_error();
// If you get an error here, you either haven't set up your
// database password correctly, or you have been hacked :-(
echo "Error: Cannot connect to database server: ";
echo mysql_error();
// we've learned that much: always initialise variables
$loggedIn = false;
$loggedInAsAdmin = false;
// check login data
// Note: The fact that the database stores the password in plain
// text does not on its own represent a security hole in the context
// of this assignment.
$user = $_POST["USER"];
$password = $_POST["PASSWORD"];
$query = "select * from users where userId='$user' and userPassword='$password'";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryResultHandle) > 0) {
$queryResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResultHandle);
// user exists and is authenticated
$loggedIn = true;
// get the user's full name from the database record
$name = $queryResult["userName"];
echo "<h3>User: $name</h3>";
// check whether it is an admin user
if ($queryResult["userIsAdmin"] == "1") {
$loggedInAsAdmin = true;
if (!$loggedIn) {
// Case 1: User is not logged in
// - Escape from PHP mode to show login form.
// - Pre-complete form with username, if any was specified
<form action="./index.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="USER"
value="<?php echo $user; ?>">
<input type="password" name="PASSWORD">
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
// Case 2 or 3
$showList = true;
// Check whether we need to show a special form
// and include it if need be. Also, do any save,
// update or delete of messages, users or passwords
switch ($_POST["MODE"]) {
case "NEWUSER":
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
case "NEWPASS":
case "NEWMESS":
// All these cases require a form to be shown.
// Include the respective form from its external
// file:
// Also, we don't show the list of messages in this case
$showList = false;
case "SAVEPASS":
// If a change of user ID has been requested, make
// sure that the new user doesn't already exist
if ($user != $_POST["NEWUSERID"]) {
$query = "select * from users where userId='{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}'";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryResultHandle) > 0) {
echo "<p><b>User ID for user <i>$user</i> could not be changed
because the new id is already in use!</b></p>";
$showList = false;
// If we get here, the new user ID is unique
// check whether the passwords match
// Passwords match, so update database
$query = "update users
set userId = '{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}',
userPassword = '{$_POST["NEWPASSWORD1"]}'
where userId = '$user'";
if (@mysql_query($query)) {
echo "<p><b>Password for user <i>$user</i> updated!</b></p>";
// use new user ID and password from now on
$user = $_POST["NEWUSERID"];
$password = $_POST["NEWPASSWORD1"];
echo "<p><b>Password for user <i>$user</i> could not be updated because of a database problem!</b></p>";
echo "<p><b>New passwords do not match! Please try again.</b></p>";
// show form again and suppress message list
$showList = false;
case "SAVEUSER":
// First, make sure that we are logged in as admin.
// If not, exit here.
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
// Ensure that we have entered a user ID:
if ($_POST["NEWUSERID"] == "") {
echo "<p><b>Could not save user - no ID specified!</b></p>";
if ($_POST["NEWPASSWORD1"] == "") {
echo "<p><b>Could not save user - no password specified!</b></p>";
// Now make sure that the user doesn't already exist
$query = "select * from users where userId='{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}'";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryResultHandle) == 0) {
// This user name is new indeed!
// Check whether the passwords match
$showList = false;
$query = "insert into users (userId, userName, userPassword, userIsAdmin)
values ('{$_POST["NEWUSERID"]}',
if (!@mysql_query($query)) {
echo "<p><b>Could not save user - something is wrong!</b></p>";
echo "<p><b>User could not be saved. Reason: User already exists!</b></p>";
// One last thing needs to be done: We need to create
// a default message file for the user.
"<"."?php $messages=array(); ?".">");
// Done!
echo "<h3>User <b>".$_POST["NEWUSERID"]."</b> created</h3>";
case "SAVEMESS":
// If the file exists, we should now have a $messages array.
// Generate a unique ID for the new message:
$messageId = uniqid("");
// Now generate the contents for the new message file.
// Start with the opening PHP tag, split here across two
// strings to avoid syntax problems in some editors:
$contents = "<?"."php $messages = array(";
// Add existing messages through a loop
foreach ($messages as $existingMessageId => $message) {
$contents .= "'$existingMessageId' => array(
'userId' => '$user',
'title' => '".$message["title"]."',
'text' => '".$message["text"]."'
), ";
// Add the latest message by appending:
$contents .= "'$messageId' => array(
'userId' => '$user',
'title' => '".$_POST["NEWMESSTITLE"]."',
'text' => '".$_POST["NEWMESSTEXT"]."'
// Close $messages array and PHP tag
$contents .= "); ?".">";
// Save file
echo "<h3>Message <i>".$_POST["NEWMESSTITLE"]."</i> saved</h3>";
// We must be admin to delete a user
// First, make sure that we are logged in as admin.
// If not, exit here.
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
// Delete user from database:
$query = "delete from users where userId = '{$_POST["USERTODELETE"]}'";
if (!@mysql_query($query)) {
echo "<p><b>Could not delete user - something is wrong!</b></p>";
// Delete user's messages
echo "<h3>User <b>".$_POST["USERTODELETE"]."</b> removed</h3>";
// We must be admin to delete a message
// First, make sure that we are logged in as admin.
// If not, exit here.
if (!$loggedInAsAdmin) {
// Load all messages for the sender
// If the file exists, we should now have a $messages array.
// Save message title:
$title = $messages[$_POST["MESSAGETODELETE"]]["title"];
// Generate the contents for the new message file,
// skipping the message to be deleted.
// Start with the opening PHP tag, split here across two
// strings to avoid syntax problems in some editors:
$contents = "<?"."php $messages = array(";
// Add existing messages through a loop
$commaFlag = false; // remember whether we've added commas to $contents
foreach ($messages as $messageId => $message) {
if ($messageId == $_POST["MESSAGETODELETE"]) continue;
$contents .= "'$messageId' => array(
'userId' => '".$message["userId"]."',
'title' => '".$message["title"]."',
'text' => '".$message["text"]."'
), ";
$commaFlag = true;
// Remove trailing comma
if ($commaFlag) {
$contents = substr($contents, 0, strlen($contents) - 2);
// Close $messages array and PHP tag
$contents .= "); ?".">";
// Save file
echo "<h3>Message <b>$title</b> deleted</h3>";
default: break;
// At this point, all forms have been shown and all
// housekeeping has been done. Show the list of messages
// where applicable.
$allMessages = array();
// Grab a list of all users from the database
$query = "select * from users";
$queryResultHandle = mysql_query($query);
// Aggregate all messages by looping through users
// and loading their messages
while ($userRecord = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResultHandle)) {
// Keep hold of the user information
$users[$userRecord["userId"]] = $userRecord;
// Add the messages for this user
$allMessages = array_merge($allMessages, $messages);
// Sort the messages by age (same as sorting by ID)
// Output messages as a table
echo "<p><table border="1">";
// Loop through messages array, output each message as a table row
foreach ($allMessages as $messageId => $message) {
echo "<tr>";
// Set variables for cell template
$sender = $message['userId'];
$userName = $users[$sender]["userName"];
// Include template
// If the user is an admin, we also need a form for
// deletion of the message and/or user
if ($loggedInAsAdmin) {
echo "</tr>";
// Close table tag
echo "</table></p>";
// Add buttons for new messages and password change
if ($loggedInAsAdmin) {
} // end of authenticated user processing
Bài liên quan
."\" and userPassword = \""