01/10/2018, 15:50
Lỗi Python IndentationError: unexpected indent
# !/usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* Compute modified n-gram precision on blocks of text (Pn):
1. Compute the n-gram matches sentence by sentence
1.1. Count the maximum number of times a word occurs in any single reference translation
1.2. Clip the total count of each candidate word by its maximum reference count [ Countclip = min(Count,Max_Ref_Count) ]
1.3. Add these clipped counts up
1.4. Divide by the total (unclipped) number of candidate words
2. We add the clipped n-gram counts for all the candidate sentences and divide by the number of candidate n-grams in the test corpus to compute a modified precision score for the entire test corpus
pn = S S Count.clip.(n-gram)
C2fCandidatesg n-gram2C
S S Count(n-gram0)
C02fCandidatesg n-gram020C
* Compute Sentence Brevity Penalty (BP):
1. First compute the test corpus’ effective reference length, r (by summing the best match lengths for each candidate sentence in the corpus)
2. Calculate c as the total length of the candidate translation corpus
2. Choose the BP to be a decaying exponential in r/c
BP = 1 if c > r
e^(1-r/c) if c <= r
Computer BLEU score:
BLEU = BP . exp( Sum.(n=1-N) Wn log Pn)
*** NOTE: reference word should be considered exhausted after a matching candidate word is identified
import sys
import os
import io
import math
from collections import Counter
class BLEUCalculator():
""" Calculates BLEU metric for MT """
def __init__(self):
self.candidate = None
self.references = None
self.N = 4
self.output_file_name = 'bleu_out.txt'
def main(self, args):
self.load_files(args[0], args[1])
BLEU_score = self.calculate_BLEU_score()
def load_files(self, candidate_file, reference_path):
reference_files = []
if (os.path.isfile(reference_path)):
reference_files.append(list(io.open(reference_path, encoding='utf-8')))
reference_file_dir = reference_path
for f, file in enumerate(os.listdir(reference_path)):
reference_filename = reference_path + '/' + file
reference_files.append(list(io.open(reference_filename, encoding='utf-8')))
self.references = reference_files
self.candidate = list(io.open(candidate_file, encoding='utf-8'))
#### TEST
# Example 1
# self.candidate = ["the the the the the the the"]
# self.references = [["The cat is on the mat"],["There is a cat on the mat"]]
# Example 2
# self.candidate = ["It is a guide to action which ensures that the military always obeys the commands of the party."]
# self.candidate = ["It is to insure the troops forever hearing the activity guidebook that party direct"]
# self.references = [["It is a guide to action that ensures that the military will forever heed Party commands."],
# ["It is the guiding principle which guarantees the military forces always being under the command of the Party."],
# ["It is the practical guide for the army always to heed the directions of the party."]]
# self.references = [["It is the practical guide for the army always to heed the directions of the party."]]
def calculate_BLEU_score(self):
BP = self.calculate_brevity_penalty()
pn_term = self.calculate_weighted_pn_sum()
BLEU_score = BP * math.exp(pn_term)
print("BLEU: " + str(BLEU_score))
return BLEU_score
def calculate_brevity_penalty(self):
BP = 0
c = 0
r = 0
for l_no, candidate_line in enumerate(self.candidate):
candidate_length = len(self.clean_read_words(candidate_line)) # length of candidate sentence
reference_lengths = []
for ref_file_no, reference in enumerate(self.references):
effective_reference_length = min(reference_lengths, key=lambda x: abs(x - candidate_length))
r += effective_reference_length
c += candidate_length
# print "(" + str(candidate_length) + ") " + str(reference_lengths) + " --> " + str(effective_reference_length)
if (c > r):
BP = 1
BP = math.exp(1 - float(r) / float(c))
# print "r: " + str(r)
# print "c: " + str(c)
print("BP: " + str(BP))
return BP
def calculate_weighted_pn_sum(self):
weighted_pn_sum = 0
wn = 1.0 / float(self.N)
for n in range(1, self.N + 1):
pn = self.calculate_modified_pn(n)
if (pn != 0):
weighted_pn_sum += (wn * math.log(pn), wn)[pn == 0]
return weighted_pn_sum
def calculate_modified_pn(self, n):
clipped_count_sum = 0
candidate_n_grams_count_sum = 0
for l_no, line in enumerate(self.references[0]):
ref_ngram_counts = self.get_max_ref_count(n, l_no)
clipped_count, candidate_n_grams_count = self.calculate_clipped_count_sum(l_no, ref_ngram_counts, n)
clipped_count_sum += clipped_count
candidate_n_grams_count_sum += candidate_n_grams_count
modified_pn = float(clipped_count_sum) / float(candidate_n_grams_count_sum)
"P(" + str(n) + ") = " + str(clipped_count_sum) + "/" + str(candidate_n_grams_count_sum) + " = " + str(
return modified_pn
def get_ngrams(self, n, line):
ngrams = []
words = self.clean_read_words(line)
for i in range(0, len(words) - n + 1):
if (n <= len(words)):
ngrams.append(' '.join(str(w.encode('utf-8')) for w in words[i:i + n]))
# print ngrams
return ngrams
def calculate_clipped_count_sum(self, l_no, ref_ngram_counts, n):
clipped_count_sum = 0
line = self.candidate[l_no]
words = self.clean_read_words(line)
max_ngram_count = len(words) - n + 1
ngram_counts = {}
ngrams = self.get_ngrams(n, line)
for g, ngram in enumerate(ngrams):
ngram_counts[ngram] = ngrams.count(ngram)
ngram_counts = Counter(ngrams)
for g, ngram in enumerate(ngram_counts.keys()):
count = ngram_counts.get(ngram)
max_ref_count = (ref_ngram_counts.get(ngram), 0)[ref_ngram_counts.get(ngram) == None]
clipped_count_sum += min(count, max_ref_count)
return clipped_count_sum, max_ngram_count
def get_max_ref_count(self, n, l_no):
ref_ngram_counts = {}
for ref_file_no, reference in enumerate(self.references):
line = reference[l_no]
words = self.clean_read_words(reference[l_no])
ngrams = self.get_ngrams(n, line)
for g, ngram in enumerate(ngrams):
count = ref_ngram_counts.get(ngram)
if (count == None):
count = 1
ref_ngram_counts[ngram] = max(count, ngrams.count(ngram))
# print "ref_ngram_counts: " + str(ref_ngram_counts)
return ref_ngram_counts
def write_file(self, BLEU_score):
output_file = open(self.output_file_name, 'w')
def clean_read_words(self, line):
return self.clean_read(line).split()
def clean_read(self, line):
return line.lower().strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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lỗi này mình vừa lên mạng sửa được rồi. rất cảm ơn bạn. nhưng mà nó lại xuất hiện lỗi khác bạn ak. lỗi sau:
“C:\Users\TRAN CUONG\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python.exe” “C:/Users/TRAN CUONG/Desktop/giờ nên tập trung vào cái này/Thực hiện thuật toán BLEU (đánh giá song ngữ đánh giá)/nlp-bleu-master/nlp-bleu-master/calculate_bleu_score.py”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Users/TRAN CUONG/Desktop/giờ nên tập trung vào cái này/Thực hiện thuật toán BLEU (đánh giá song ngữ đánh giá)/nlp-bleu-master/nlp-bleu-master/calculate_bleu_score.py”, line 164, in
File “C:/Users/TRAN CUONG/Desktop/giờ nên tập trung vào cái này/Thực hiện thuật toán BLEU (đánh giá song ngữ đánh giá)/nlp-bleu-master/nlp-bleu-master/calculate_bleu_score.py”, line 43, in main
self.load_files(args[0], args[1])
IndexError: list index out of range
Trước dòng
self.load_files(args[0], args[1])
bạn in ra cái args của bạn xem có bao nhiêu phần tử.