01/10/2018, 01:09
Mọi người xem hộ em cái lỗi này xử lý ra sao ạ ~~~
entry point must be defined
(lỗi này là của C++ ạ)
Bài liên quan
entry point must be defined
(lỗi này là của C++ ạ)
Bạn có viết main() không đó
có anh ạ em viết đầy đủ hết @@! chẳng hiểu sao chạy lại bị ạ
code em cho vào đây nó không xuống dòng nên k post ạ @@!
Code của em đây ạ nó không tự xuống dòng @@! em cũng k biết làm sao
#include<iostream> #include<Windows.h> using namespace std; struct hoso{ char malop[20]; long masinhvien; char hoten[30]; char quequan[30]; int ngaysinh; float diemtb; } typedef struct Node{ hoso a; struct Node *pnext; }NODE; typedef struct linkedlist{ NODE *phead; NODE *ptail; int size; }LIST; void khoitao(LIST &list){ list.phead = list.ptail = NULL; list.size = 0; } NODE *getNode(){ hoso x; NODE *p = new NODE; if (p == NULL){ return NULL; } else{ fflush(stdin); cout << "Moi ban nhap ma lop: " << endl; gets_s(x.malop); cout << "\nMoi ban nhap ma sinh vien: " << endl; cin >> x.masinhvien; fflush(stdin); cout << "\nMoi ban nhap ho va ten: " << endl; gets_s(x.hoten); cout << "\nDiem trung binh: " << endl; cin >> x.diemtb; cout << "\nNgay sinh: " << endl; cin >> x.ngaysinh; cout << "\nQue quan: " << endl; gets_s(x.quequan); p->a = x; p->pnext = NULL; return p; } return NULL; } int isEmpty(LIST &list){ return list.phead == NULL; } void addhead(LIST &list, NODE *p){ if (isEmpty(list)){ list.phead = list.ptail = p; } else{ p->pnext = list.phead; list.phead = p; } list.size++; } void addtail(LIST &list, NODE *p){ if (isEmpty(list)){ list.phead = list.ptail = p; } else{ list.ptail->pnext = p; list.ptail = p; } list.size++; } void addbatky(LIST &list, NODE *p, int &vitri){ int k = 2; NODE *q = list.phead; if (isEmpty(list)){ list.phead = list.ptail = p; } else{ if (vitri == 1) addhead(list, p); else if (vitri == list.size) addtail(list, p); else{ while (q->pnext->pnext != NULL){ if (vitri = k){ p->pnext = q->pnext; q->pnext = p; list.size++; break; } p = p->pnext; k++; } } } } void xoadau(LIST &list){ NODE *p = list.phead; if (isEmpty(list)){ return; } else{ list.phead = p->pnext; list.size--; delete p; } } void xoacuoi(LIST &list){ NODE *p = list.phead; if (isEmpty(list)){ return; } else{ while (p->pnext != list.ptail){ p = p->pnext; } NODE *q = list.phead; list.ptail = p; list.size--; delete q; } } void xoabatky(LIST &list, int &vitri){ int k = 2; NODE *p = list.phead; if (vitri == 1) xoadau(list); else if (vitri == list.size) xoadau(list); else while (p->pnext->pnext != NULL){ if (k == vitri){ NODE *q = p->pnext; p->pnext = q->pnext; delete q; list.size--; break; } p = p->pnext; k++; } } void Inraman(LIST &list){ NODE *p = list.phead; while (p != NULL){ cout << "Ho va ten: " << p->a.hoten << endl; cout << "Que quan: " << p->a.quequan << endl; cout << "Ma sinh vien: " << p->a.masinhvien << endl; cout << "Ma lop: " << p->a.malop << endl; cout << "Diem trung binh: " << p->a.diemtb << endl; cout << "Ngay sinh: " << p->a.ngaysinh << endl; p = p->pnext; cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------" << endl; } } NODE *timkiem(LIST &list){ long a; cout << "Nhap ma sinh vien nguoi ban can tim kiem"; cin >> a; if (!isEmpty(list)){ cout << "isEmpty so can't search it" << endl; return NULL; } else { NODE *p = list.phead; while (p != NULL){ if (p->a.masinhvien == a){ return p; } p = p->pnext; } cout << "Khong tim thay ma sinh vien can tim " << endl; return NULL; } } double tylephanloai(LIST &list){ double a = 0; int k = 0; NODE *p = list.phead; while (p != NULL){ a += p->a.diemtb; p = p->pnext; k++; } return a / k; } int main(){ LIST list; khoitao(list); int luachon = 0; do { cout << "1.Them \n2.Xoa \n3.In ra man \n4.Tim kiem \n0.Thoat" << endl; cin >> luachon; switch (luachon) { case 1:{ NODE *p = getNode(); addtail(list, p); break; } case 2:{ int k; cout << "Nhap vi tri can xoa: " << endl; cin >> k; xoabatky(list, k); break; } case 3:{ cout << "ket qua" << endl; Inraman(list); system("pause"); break; } case 4:{ NODE *p = timkiem(list); cout << "Ho va ten: " << p->a.hoten << endl; cout << "Que quan: " << p->a.quequan << endl; cout << "Ma sinh vien: " << p->a.masinhvien << endl; cout << "Ma lop: " << p->a.malop << endl; cout << "Diem trung binh: " << p->a.diemtb << endl; cout << "Ngay sinh: " << p->a.ngaysinh << endl; break; } case 5:{int luachon1 = 0; do { cout << "1.Xem so luong sinh vien\n2.Xep loai cua sinh vien: X\n3.Ty le phan loai ket qua hoc tap\n0.Thoat" << endl; cout << "Moi nhap lua chon cua ban" << endl; cin >> luachon1; switch (luachon1) { case 1:{ cout << "So luong sinh vien la : " << list.size << endl; break; } case 2:{ NODE *p = timkiem(list); if (p->a.diemtb <= 5) cout << "Xep loai cua sinh vien la: Kem" << endl; else if (p->a.diemtb >= 5 && p->a.diemtb < 6.5){ cout << "Xep loai cua sinh vien la: Trung binh" << endl; } else if (p->a.diemtb >= 6.5 && p->a.diemtb < 8){ cout << "Xep loai cua sinh vien la: Kha" << endl; } else cout << "Xep loai cua sinh vien la: Gioi" << endl; break; } case 3:{ if (tylephanloai(list) < 5){ cout << "Kem" << endl; } else if (tylephanloai(list) > 5 && tylephanloai(list) < 6.5){ cout << "Trung binh " << endl; } else if (tylephanloai(list) >= 6.5 && tylephanloai(list) < 8){ cout << "Kha" << endl; } else cout << "Gioi" << endl; break; } } } while (luachon1 != 0); break; } } system("cls"); } while (luachon != 0); system("pause"); return 0; }
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