09/10/2018, 18:08
[Q] Đếm số người đang truy cập trang web
Tôi đang thiết kế một website dùng php, Mysql, Tôi muốn biết số người đang truy cập vào trang web của tôi , ai biết chỉ giúp , Cám ơn trước nhé.
Bài liên quan
<!----------- save this file as count.php ------------>
/* +------------------------------------------------------------+
Page Counter v1.5.0 Filename: count.php
Copyright 1998-2001 Telematics Software
All Rights Reserved
Author: mr.shifter@hosted.uklinux.net
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of
Your usage of this programme is entirely at your own risk
Make a text file called 'count.txt' place it in the same
directory as this php script. On unix you will need to
chmod 'count.txt' to 666 for read/ write permissions
Make another directory call it 'images' and place in here
your graphical image files numbered from 0.gif to 9.gif
+-----------------------------------------------------------+ */
/* Set Necessary Variables: */
$counterfile= "./count.txt"; #absolute path/directory as required
$imagedir= "./images"; # absolute path/directory as required No trailing slash
$type=1; # 1=graphic display, 0= text display
$ext=".gif"; # use .gif, .jpeg or .png as needed
/* End Variables section */
if(! ($fp = fopen($counterfile, "r"))) die ("Can not open $counterfile.");
$counter = (int) fread($fp, 20);
$image_tag_str = ""; // Leave empty
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($counter); $i++)
$image_src = $imagedir."/".substr($counter, $i, 1) .$ext;
$image_tag_str .="<IMG SRC=\"$image_src\" BORDER=\"0\">";
// then display the graphic or text image
// to use a hidden counter comment out the next five lines
echo("You Are Visitor No: $image_tag_str" );
echo("You Are Visitor No: $counter" );
if(!($fp= fopen($counterfile, "w"))) die ("Can not write to $counterfile");
fwrite($fp, $counter);
<!---------- end of count.php ------------------------------>
<!---------- Save next file as count.txt -------------------->
<!-- Remember to chmod 666 (read/write all) count.txt --------->
<!--------------- End of count.txt ------------------------->
Good luck ! Saigon 75
define("MAX_IDLE_TIME", 3);
function getOnlineUsers(){
if ( $directory_handle = opendir( session_save_path() ) ) {
$count = 0;
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $directory_handle ) ) ) {
if($file != '.' && $file != '..'){
if(time()- fileatime(session_save_path() . '\\' . $file) < MAX_IDLE_TIME * 60) {
return $count;
} else {
return false;
echo "Number of online users: " . getOnlineUsers() . "<br />";