09/10/2018, 22:49

Tu web(php) sang exel

Mình đang muốn xuất dữ liệu từ web xây dựng bằng php ra dinh dạng exel mà không biết dùng tool gì rất mong nhận được sự giúp đỡ cửa các bạn.
Vinhie47 viết 00:59 ngày 10/10/2018
Không hiểu bạn nói "xuất dữ liệu web" nghĩa là sao cả? chỉ có xuất database sang excel thì mình mới đã từng nghe nói mà thôi.
ITbaby viết 00:58 ngày 10/10/2018
dùng phpmyadmin mà export ra đi anh ạ
pixelart viết 00:53 ngày 10/10/2018
phpmyadmin export ra CVS được, ko biết có ra exel ko? Nhưng nó export mà ra ko thấy định dạng kiểu dữ liệu gì hết
jiSh@n viết 00:58 ngày 10/10/2018
Excel có support CVS muh................................
binhkyo82 viết 00:58 ngày 10/10/2018
Minh dung Php de xuat du lieu voi cac truong cac cot do minh dinh ra file du lieu dinh dang exel. Minh tim dc class "biff.php" ho tro nhung ko the tim dc doan code cua class "biff.php". Minh dg rat can rat mong admin giup do

Day la minh in ra bao cao voi du lieu dc loc tu mysql roi thong qua ngon ngu php de dua ra du lieu dang excel de nguoi dung ro rang sua doi va loc lai cho phu hop voi yeu cau cua bao cao
Black Sheep viết 00:51 ngày 10/10/2018
Class biff.php ở dưới, nhưng tôi không biết bạn làm gì với file này trong khi bạn không có file biffbase.php nhỉ ???

Mà thôi, bạn cứ từ từ dùng nó đi nhé ....

* Script......... : class BiffWriter - extends BiffBase                          *
* Author......... : Christian Novak - cnovak@gmx.net                             *
* Copyright...... : (c) 2001-2002 Christian Novak                                *
* Documentation.. : http://www.cnovak.com                                        *
* History........ : rev 2.1 added xlsWriteDateTime to write an SQL datetime      *
*                   stamp as an Excel float                                      *
*                 : rev 2.0 introduces "A1" standard spread sheet notation.      *
*                       Please read the manual "biffmanual.htm" available at     *
*                       http//:www.cnovak.com                                    *
* Requires        : PHP 4 >= 4.0.5                                               *
*                                                                                *
*                                                                                *
* This class extends BiffWriter by adding type and parameter checking            *
* where applicable and reasonable. It is recommended to use this class           *
* for smaller files < 1000 cells and during the debugging phase.                 *
*                                                                                *
* All functions taking a row, col argument can be now called in 2 ways:          *
*                                                                                *
*   xlsWriteText('B2', 0, 'mytext') or xlsWriteText(3, 2, 'mytext');             *
*                                                                                *
* when using the A1 notation instead of the row, column notation, the            *
* second argument must always contain something.                                 *
*     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but        *
*   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY   *
*                  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                          *
*                                                                                *
*         This library is copyright (c) by Christian Novak and is only           *
*                _FREE_ for _NON_ _COMMERCIAL_ purposes                          *
*                                                                                *
*     Please contact me at cnovak@gmx.net if you plan to use biffwriter          *
*           in an Intranet or commercial Internet application                    *

class BiffWriter extends BiffBase
   var $a_not = array();

   function BiffWriter()
      error_reporting (E_ALL);
      parent::BiffBase();               // initialize base class
      $this->_fill_AA_notation();         // create an array holding AA..AZ notation
   } // end func

   function xlsParse($file = '')
      $file = parent::xlsParse($file);
   } // end func

   function xlsAddHPageBreak($row)
        if ($row < 0 or $row > MAX_ROWS or !is_int($row)) {
         trigger_error('xlsAddHPagebreak: row must be a positive integer from 0 to ' . MAX_ROWS, E_USER_ERROR);

   function xlsAddVPageBreak($col)
        if (is_string($col)) {
         $col = (int) $this->_cnv_AA_to_col($col);
        if ($col < 0 or $col > MAX_COLS) {
         trigger_error('xlsAddVPagebreak: column must be a positive integer from 0 to ' . MAX_COLS, E_USER_ERROR);


   function xlsSetColWidth($col_start, $col_end, $width)
        if (is_string($col_start)) {
         $col_start = (int) $this->_cnv_AA_to_col($col_start);
        if (is_string($col_end)) {
         $col_end = (int) $this->_cnv_AA_to_col($col_end);
          if (!is_int($col_start) | !is_int($col_end)) {
         trigger_error('xlsSetColWidth 1. and 2. parameter must be positve integers', E_USER_ERROR);
      if ($col_start < 0 or $col_end < 0) {
         trigger_error('xlsSetColWidth columns must be positive integers', E_USER_ERROR);
      if ($col_start > MAX_COLS or $col_end > MAX_COLS) {
         trigger_error('xlsSetColWidth ' . MAX_COLS. ' cols max', E_USER_ERROR);
      if (!is_int($width) or $width > 255 or $width < 0) {
         trigger_error('xlsSetColWidth width must be an integer in the range of 0-255!', E_USER_ERROR);
      parent::xlsSetColWidth($col_start, $col_end, $width);

    function xlsWriteDateTime($row, $col, $value, $col_width = 0, $cell_picture = 0, $cell_font = 0, $cell_alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT, $cell_status = 0)
        $this->check_bounds($row, $col, 'line '. __line__ .' xlsWriteNumber');
        if (!is_string($value)) {
            trigger_error('xlsWriteDateTime 3. parameter must be string', E_USER_ERROR);
        parent::xlsWriteDateTime($row, $col, $value, $col_width, $cell_picture, $cell_font, $cell_alignment, $cell_status );

   function xlsWriteNumber($row, $col, $value, $col_width = 0, $cell_picture = 0, $cell_font = 0, $cell_alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT, $cell_status = 0)
      $this->check_bounds($row, $col, 'line '. __line__ .' xlsWriteNumber');
      if (!is_int($value) & !is_float($value)) {
         trigger_error('xlsWriteNumber 3. parameter must be either int or float', E_USER_ERROR);
      parent::xlsWriteNumber($row, $col, $value, $col_width, $cell_picture, $cell_font, $cell_alignment, $cell_status );

   function xlsWriteText($row, $col, $value, $col_width = 0, $cell_picture = 0, $cell_font = 0, $cell_alignment = ALIGN_GENERAL, $cell_status = 0)
      $this->check_bounds($row, $col, 'line '. __line__ .' xlsWriteText');
      if (!is_string($value)) {
         trigger_error('xlsWriteText 3. parameter must be string!', E_USER_ERROR);
      if (strlen($value) > MAX_TEXT_CHARS) {
         trigger_error($ref .MAX_NOTE_CHARS. ' chars max', E_USER_ERROR);
      parent::xlsWriteText($row, $col, $value, $col_width, $cell_picture, $cell_font, $cell_alignment, $cell_status);

   function xlsCellNote($row, $col, $value)
      $this->check_bounds($row, $col, 'line '. __line__ .' xlsCellNotes');
      if (strlen($value) > MAX_NOTE_CHARS) {
         trigger_error($ref .MAX_NOTE_CHARS. ' chars max', E_USER_ERROR);
      parent::xlsCellNote($row, $col, $value);

   ** This function does boundary checking on row and column values.
   ** It tries first to check if the supplied argument was in A1 notation,
   ** if this fails it looks for the faster row, col notation.
   function check_bounds(&$row, &$col, $ref) {
      if (is_string($row)) {
         $col = (int) $this->_cnv_AA_to_col($row);
         $row = (int) $this->_cnv_AA_to_row($row);
      if ($row < 0 or $col < 0) {
         trigger_error($ref . ' rows or columns must be positive integers', E_USER_ERROR);
      if (!is_int($row) or ! is_int($col))  {
         trigger_error($ref . ' rows or columns must be integers', E_USER_ERROR);
      if ($row > MAX_ROWS) {
         trigger_error($ref . MAX_ROWS. ' rows max', E_USER_ERROR);
      if ($col > MAX_COLS) {
         trigger_error($ref . MAX_COLS. ' cols max', E_USER_ERROR);

   } // end func

   ** This function extracts the column number from an
   ** A1 notation. It returns -1 if the passed arguments
   ** is wrong or if value exceeds IV = 255 columns
   function _cnv_AA_to_col($val)
      $res = NULL;
      $col = preg_split('/[0-9]/', $val, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
      if (!empty($col)) {
         $res = array_search(strtoupper($col[0]), $this->a_not, TRUE);
         if (is_null($res)) {
         else {
      else {
         return(-1);                         // preg_split failed
   } // end func

   ** This function extracts the row value from the A1 notation.
   ** It returns -1 if the regular expression fails
   function _cnv_AA_to_row($val)
      $row = preg_split('/[a-zA-Z]/', $val, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
      if (!empty($row)) {
      else {
   } // end func

   ** this function fills the A1 notation array
   function _fill_AA_notation()
      $max = 256;
      $start = 65;
      $end = 90;
      $y = $start;
      $z = $start;
      $pre = NULL;
      for ($x = 1; $x <= $max; $x++) {
         if ($z <> $start) {
             $pre = chr($z-1);
         $this->a_not[] = $pre . chr($y);
         if ($y == $end) {
            $y = $start-1;

   } // end func

} // end class
** Make sure that there is no additional line below the tag!
** Otherwise your stream will not work since the server will send
** a header encountering anything outside of <?php ... >"
** "include" seems not to care about this, but gives no warning
** if the include fails!
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